snails snails everywhere


So my tank finally finished cycling. I ordered my clean up crew and they came yesterday so I did a 5% water change and put the snails in. The snails are working away, but I just checked my levels and everything seems to be high which is surprising to me since I just did the water change yesterday. What's going on? Should I do another water change?

Tank with snails


Originally Posted by amandastp
So my tank finally finished cycling. I ordered my clean up crew and they came yesterday so I did a 5% water change and put the snails in. The snails are working away, but I just checked my levels and everything seems to be high which is surprising to me since I just did the water change yesterday. What's going on? Should I do another water change?

Here are my readings Ph=8.4 Nitrite=.2 Nitrate=2.5 Ammonia=.25


Originally Posted by amandastp
So my tank finally finished cycling. I ordered my clean up crew and they came yesterday so I did a 5% water change and put the snails in. The snails are working away, but I just checked my levels and everything seems to be high which is surprising to me since I just did the water change yesterday. What's going on? Should I do another water change?

Amanda/Users/amandastpierre/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2009/snails:Owen six flags/P8090017.JPG/Users/amandastpierre/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2009/snails:Owen six flags/P8090019.JPG/Users/amandastpierre/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2009/snails:Owen six flags/P8090013.JPG
Not exactly sure. A week or so. I'v been getting help from T and she suggested it was time to do a water change and add the clean up crew so thats what I did. Still new at this. Would it help to add more live rock?


Active Member
How many snails did you add? You probably added more than the bioload could handle. Or did many of the snails die overnight?


I added approx. 40 snails. Most are moving around. They said to give them 3 days before declaring them dead. Any suggestions as to what to do. This is my only tank so I can't really take some out.


Give some away? How large is your tank again? 40 snails is a lot, especially for a brand new tank.


Originally Posted by ann83
Give some away? How large is your tank again? 40 snails is a lot, especially for a brand new tank.
My tank is only 29 gallon. Would it help to do frequent water changes untill the biofilter catches up, or maybe get more live rock????


Active Member
Ah, 40 snails made me jump out of my seat at first, but I missed the pic the first read through. I know where you got those snails from and they are super small.
I would personally do nothing at this point but let the tank catch up. There's an awful lot of them hanging out on the substrate and the majority below the substrate with a few crawling around.


Active Member
Sorry, I have limited internet for the next few days. Out dsl is acting up-waiting on a new one.
40 is a lot, but they are really tiny. I would keep an eye on it, and check everything again in a day or so.


thats wayyyyyyyyy to many snails.....
bring 75% of them back.
i've had a turbo snail attached itself to my pony...just think if one grabs it, then 20 more grab it...


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Sorry, I have limited internet for the next few days. Out dsl is acting up-waiting on a new one.
40 is a lot, but they are really tiny. I would keep an eye on it, and check everything again in a day or so.
Thanks T. I checked my levels again last night and nothing has changed so at least they didn't go up any more. Most of the snails are really small. Dumb question, but do all these snails have enough to eat. I don't have much algae yet and no fish to feed. I'm afraid they are starving???


Active Member
I sent you a pm yesterday
You may need to feed some algea sheets or see if your lfs will take some