...Snails that refuse to move...

I have bought about 25 snails(all at different times)and they will not move at all! They just end up dying.They were margarita snails, and I had no nitrates... does anyone have aclue what is wrong?:confused:
My salinity is 1.026 and my theremometer broke, but I have the heater set to80 degrees farenheit... do you think the temperature would be too high?


Had any success with shrimp or other inverts? Have you ever dosed with any copper based meds in the tank (even if the tank was used before this?)
I acclimated them using the "drip method" over a period of one hour, and no, I have never used a medication with this tank and I bought it new. I have not bought any other inverts other than snails.:(

sinner's girl

Spanish Dancer, I have not been able to keep snails for very long. I gave up. I've kept shrimp, stars, crabs, hermits, urchins and they lived. (of course it didn't help that we had a cc star that liked to knock them off the glass).
What size is your tank? Do they have enough to eat? Are they on the glass? if any are look at them very closely, to see if they are moving, but staying in one place. We had some bubble bees (I think anyway) and they didn't really move.
What are your other levels?