Snake's Method for Cyanobacteria Treatment


so I guess my current set up only has a protein skimmer and a standard carbon filter, nothing else. both sit toward the top of the tank. I've reduced the light and amount of food I give significantly and it still doesn't seem to be going away. its been about 5 weeks now. any advice appreciated


Well-Known Member
Take a powerhead and blow off all your rocks and do a 50% water change. Then 20% water changes per week while gravel siphoning your substrate.
Check your top off water for tds. Some lfs have no idea what tds is and thry end up selling tap water, basically.
Do that and come back to me.

bang guy

Originally Posted by IvasawaJin http:///t/388801/snakes-method-for-cyanobacteria-treatment/20#post_3505010
6 points in the TDS meter for aquarium water is ok or high ?
It can be. It depends on your system and what makes up the TDS. Typically, Nitrate and Phosphates leak through a RO membrane. If that's all there is then I see no issue at all.
But if you already have a Cyanobacter issue then obviously adding more fuel to the fire isn't going to help so a Deionizer to remove the PO4 and NO3 is adviseable.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/388801/snakes-method-for-cyanobacteria-treatment/20#post_3505067
It can be. It depends on your system and what makes up the TDS. Typically, Nitrate and Phosphates leak through a RO membrane. If that's all there is then I see no issue at all.
But if you already have a Cyanobacter issue then obviously adding more fuel to the fire isn't going to help so a Deionizer to remove the PO4 and NO3 is adviseable.
my cyno problem resovled . my tank has been ok for 2 months . i think ill manage with 5-6 points