So...after 4 days this is what I have...


My 29 gallon biocube has been cycling for 4 days now with 30 lbs of LR and 30 lbs of live sand. These are my readings:
pH = 7.6-7.8
Ammonia = 0.40
Nitrate = 10-15
Nitrite = >5.0
Salinity = it was in the green zone of my hydrometer (good)
Does this sound about right for a new tank. Oh...this is my first experience with a SW tank


Well-Known Member
Sounds like things are moving along just fine. Be patient (the fundamental rule followed by all successful salt hobbyists). You will be able to add organisms after ammonia and nitrites fall to zero, but you may need to do a water change to lower the nitrates.


Oh yea, am I still waiting for an ammonia spike? Or is it my nitrite of nitrate that is supposed to spike. Am I going to get an algea bloom?


Well-Known Member
You should get two spikes: first, ammonia and then later, nitrite. As the nitrites are converted into nitrates the trite levels will fall to zero, and the cycle is complete. The extent and nature of the algae bloom depends on many factors - the type of water you used to mix your salt water, your lighting, what came in on your lr, what you feed your critters, and how much, etc. The algal blooms will continue for the first 6 months or so, at least. If it gets too long, get some herbivores, otherwise, ignore it.


Active Member
ack omg don't "ignore" algae, or it will take over your tank. your blooms should only last a few weeks with the right clean up crew.
expect the diatom (brown algae) bloom soon after your cycle. turbo snails and fighting conches to get rid of it. Hair algae usually comes next--snails or herbivores such as lawn mower blennies or sea hares,EDIT no tangs in a 29 gallon.
Then you get the every lovely cyanobacterial outbreak and that's only fixable by changes in your tank lifestyle.


Thanks for the input guys. I used pre-mixed salt/water from the LFS and not much lighting. No, I did not do a water change yet. Should I do that now or wait till after my cycle is complete?


wait til your are sure that the ammonia and nitrite are BOTH back a zero. You will have some readings for nitrate still, but a slight nitrate reading is fine. Once you notice your ammonia and nitrite are at zero do a water change.


Thanks rock. Sounds like a plan to me

Do I wait and add my cleanup crew till after my cycle is complete and I do my water change, or a little before that?

aztec reef

Active Member
yes wait for the tank to cycle before adding livestock, you can start waterchanges after your ammonia has stablelize to 0.


Alright guys...thanks for the help! I do not want to be known hensforth as the "cleanup crew killer" so I will do like you guys say

Its just all this waiting that is really boring
, but I guess that is part of the process that everyone goes through.
When should I get rid of the bio balls and add live rock in its place? OR should I add a little light and make the space into a refugium :notsure:


i have a refugium but am just about a week ahead of you as far as cycling goes. I have heard great reviews on them as they naturaly clean your water. I think if you add some macro algea ( I have cheato) it will help with nuisance algea as well as aid in water filtration.
The bio balls have benifitial bacteria on them now.. so I would be afraid of taking them out all at once since this would mean your tank has the possibility of cycling again. I have heard that if you take them out slowly you will be better off.. Since I have no experience with this I would not take my word for it, you probably would wanna do a little bit more research.
Hope this helps you out!


Hey rock...thank you for the update. I just checked my levels today the 18th, and my pH is 8.0, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 15 to 20. So I plan on doing a water change and adding a cleanup crew later tonight. I will let you know whats up!


I just got back from the store and got some little critters...some snails and hermits crabs, a sand sifting star, and some other things (forgot the names). I will get back to you guys on the names and pics by tomorrow morning