So...after 4 days this is what I have...

Sand sifting star needs something to eat, as well as the rest of your crew. If you don't see anything growing yet, you might want to hold off. Oops, you already adding all that stuff. Well go get some algae sheets and maybe they will have something to eat. You don't want things dying or that will f everything up. Be patient, nothing good happens quickly in this hobby. I hated waiting too, but it's cheaper and easier than the alternative.


Thanks for the input Beach
...I will go back to the lfs tonight when I get off work and talk to them about getting some food for my crew. They said there should be enough dead stuff on the rock and in the sand to last them till I get some fish in there. But I will ask again tonight to be sure.
I also got this green thing that looks like a mushroom almost (forgot the name). My question keeps falling off the rock I put it on. Do they eventually attatch themselves to the rock :notsure: