I feel you on the football practice, man. I was a competitive swimmer from 11 to 18 when I graduated. I went to state in WA for long distance freestyle, 500 meter race. We used to spend and hour and a half on the land and then jump in the pool for another couple hours for a nice 20-30,000 meters...
I would literally crawl from my bed to the shower in the morning when the season started because I hurt so much.
I wish that I knew then what I know now about food. I could have had a hell of a body back then...lol. I was eating way way too many carbs thinking that was what I needed rather than protein which would have done me a better service.
I think my senior year in my weight lifting class, I could bench 180 and my squat was about 300. I scared most of the guys in the my class.....lol. I am not even that big honestly. I work out completely for my health now though and to make myself look better rather than strength and cardio.
My heart rate and blood pressure is still so low that the doctor always asks me if I am about to pass out though....