Originally Posted by
1guyDude http:///forum/thread/387175/so-i-need-help-with-starting-my-aquarium/20#post_3405746
yep yep agree with meowzer....shes the local SW mom and has prob been doing this a lil longer than I! I do it the same order.
Info in this hobby is wide spread and a lot of pps do it diffrently.
Welcome to the site and the addiction of SW!
There is a lot of useful info and helpful people here.....no question is to silly or unanswerable! (<---- is that even a word) LOL
+1 Gotta agree with Meowzer and the Dude!!! I also do it in the same order and it has worked great. You just need a little patience. Please do not get a yellow Tang in a 55g (unless you are upgrading to a much larger tank in the next year, even then it is not nice for the fish). Do not cycle the tank with any fish!! The chunk of shrimp is the best way to go. RO/DI water is the way to go too, you can buy it from walmart for like $.37/gallon. You just need to pick up some 5g jugs (I got mine at walmart also for $7.99 each) A good RO/DI unit cost around $150.00, so you can do the math and see that if you are going to be in the hobby for a while (when I did the math for my tank the RO/DI unit paid itself off in a little over a year) it really does pay for itself.
Now for first fish, you will have lots of time while the tank is cycling to do research and figure out what you want. A pair of clowns is always nice and they are a hardy fish (damsel family). What kind of fish do you like so far???
Welcome to the site and the hobby!!!
Oh and PS. Lots of folks say they are just gonna start out with fish only (with live rock), but the reef bug bites hard and most will eventually get some coral. LOL Be prepared to start saving some $$$ for some lights.