Originally Posted by seasalt101
they are part of the problem sending weapons and fighters into iraq and afghanistan i would not call that preemptive war i would call that over in about three minutes tobin
Military adventurism was never in our national interest to begin with, and yes, Iran is part of the problem with Iraq and Afghanistan. That's also part of the reason why we should just leave the region and let the ****Watch the language**** please kill each other. If we need their oil so badly, we're going to have to find other solutions. Dare I even suggest renewable fuels? They've been around for a while, but no effort has ever been made to pursue them.
Iran is a greatly overstated threat. Their president isn't even liked by his own people, and will likely be gone within a few years. The entire country is on the verge of collapse (the mullahs have been running it into the ground), and at that point we won't have to deal with Ahmedinejad's antics.
Pre-emptive war will only lead to far more problems created than solved. Iran may be wiped off the face of the Earth, but that won't matter when we disappear the same way.