so iran wants nukes?


Active Member
ok i am so fed up with all the bs over there, i am to the point where lets just give them some only slightly used send a message to all the rest of the muslim extremist, we have spent trillions over the years on these weapons, lets get some kind of return on our investment yeah it is extreme but the rest of the world might be a better place, they want jihad lets let them go meet mohamed face to face that's all tobin


Active Member
from who? i don't think china would, russia certainly wouldn't they need our money too much yes we would be critcised but the only example we have is japan and look how world friendly they got afterwards ever since the shaw of iran was overthrown they(iran) have been a royal pain in the --- to the west i like to see my tax dollars at work and can anyone name anything good from iran since 1980 they do make a nice rug though tobin


New Member
I'm a little wary of pre-emptive war after the mess we've gotten ourselves in with Iraq.
And no amount of conservative propaganda can convince me otherwise.


Active Member
they are part of the problem sending weapons and fighters into iraq and afghanistan i would not call that preemptive war i would call that over in about three minutes tobin


Active Member
Iran will have nukes because the political process is crap. Why does Iran care what we think? They have oil and someone will want it! We will play the political card until one day Iran declares they have nukes. We won't care as far as being worried that they can hit us but we will denounce it and raise cain in the media but that's it. The best thing is for Israek to nuke 'em now and for us to then play the polital card that it was self defense.
Go see 300...persia can be beat! Had to say that cause I am pumped from seeing it yesterday!


Active Member
that's the sad thing we will be stuck saying we should of done something when we could of but now it's too late let's let israel handle it just an afterthought palestine wanted to be recognised so israel gave them the gaza strip now that isn't good enough they want israel too so i'm just tired of all the crap you can't negotiate with these extremist so i say let's show them what extreme means tobin


New Member

Originally Posted by seasalt101
they are part of the problem sending weapons and fighters into iraq and afghanistan i would not call that preemptive war i would call that over in about three minutes tobin
Military adventurism was never in our national interest to begin with, and yes, Iran is part of the problem with Iraq and Afghanistan. That's also part of the reason why we should just leave the region and let the ****Watch the language****
please kill each other. If we need their oil so badly, we're going to have to find other solutions. Dare I even suggest renewable fuels? They've been around for a while, but no effort has ever been made to pursue them.
Iran is a greatly overstated threat. Their president isn't even liked by his own people, and will likely be gone within a few years. The entire country is on the verge of collapse (the mullahs have been running it into the ground), and at that point we won't have to deal with Ahmedinejad's antics.
Pre-emptive war will only lead to far more problems created than solved. Iran may be wiped off the face of the Earth, but that won't matter when we disappear the same way.


Active Member
Keep it civil folks. And remember, this is the World Wide Web... Wanting to Nuke a country sounds fine and dandy until you meet the mothers, fathers and children of the victims...
Maybe because it is late and I'm tired I'm going to leave this thread open. A more rational Mod may come along and correct my mistake.
Nukes? Not the answer. A couple of Nuclear Carrier Fleets parked in their harbors blockading their oil? That might work better Except for the fact that Americans will sell their souls to the Devil to keep Gas less than $4 a gallon.
From a geographical standpoint, we've got Iran literally surrounded. I suspect this latest nonsense from them is an attempt to get us to the Negotiating Table.
We've made some mistakes in dealing with Iran. For one thing we should have secured the borders of Afghanistan and Iraq with Iran very early on. Why we still haven't locked them down boggles me. Of course securing borders doesn't seem to be a strong point of our current administration in any country right now...


Active Member
the point being theyve been screaming jihaad for what 11 -1200 years ? give them what they want to meet muhammad there wouldnt be any victims fathers mothers etc... i know it sounds like a nazi attitude but where do you draw the line ? they won't negotiate -cooperate or delegate so its time to eliminate jmo i know its harsh just tired of middle east crap you can still drill oil in a radiation suit...tobin


Why even buy their oil if we used ethanol and hybrids we wouldn't even need their oil. And when their economy collapises You would not have had to nuke them and pay money for radiation cleanup.


Active Member
actually we use very little oil from the middle east most of our oil is from mexico and argentina and the gulf of mexico and domestic production my theory on that is we are trying to just open other avenues for u.s consumption as to compete or deplete china the other oil hog if it is about oil besides us i'm one of the few that agree with bush this isn't about oil it is about u.s safety home and abroad terrorism needs to be stopped and it is better to fight on their soil than ours the whole technology thing regarding war was to protect our forces hence missiles we kill them and our forces are not in danger if we let it go in another 15 years there will be another generation of jihaadist with nuclear weapons then what.....tobin


Active Member
We're done.
I tried to divert this conversation. Tobin, I respect your opinions, but I think you need to think about what you are saying. In wars there are always victims. To say everyone in Iraq is a Jihadist is silly.
Talking about Nuking a country is not going to get us anywhere.