So lost....


Originally Posted by sweetpea1286
I went to 2 different stores today. One was just a petshop and the other was a Saltwater specialty store (Savannah, GA) The first didn't know you couldn't use reegular salt in a saltwater tank! Then they tell me a bilge (sp?) pump is what I needed. I didn't need a pump like the broken one! I left and went to the other store. They seemed more money hungry insisting I needed to buy things (whole new filter system $700, More live sand and live rock, and all kinds of things I know I don't need) I got my test kit and Instant Ocean Salt. (that's what was used before) I asked if they could replace "this" and handed them the pump. They said no (they didn't carry it) what did I need it for. That's when they tried to sell me a whole new filtration system! All I need is a submersible pump with a 1/2inch input (so I can hook up the hose) and 1/2 in output. (for a hose!) Anyone got any ideas on where to go from here? Is there another place I can ask? (maybe a marine shop that sells boat parts?) It would be a little easier, but I have no idea what I'm even asking for!
I'm already pregnant and hormonal. I don't know what to do

The only thing I did find out today is that they bigger fish is a damsel. (Or so I am told) He supposedly had a bright blue pinstripe down his side and was jet black when he was smaller. I checked everyones suggestions, but didn't find a match. Any more guesses?
I might get cussed for this
if $ is an issue you can always go to lowes or home depot and get a submersible pond pump. Make sure it pumps an adequate amount of gph and make sure it is suitable for saltwater. No one there will try to get you to buy a whole new setup


Is there any writing at all on the pump itself? Anything would be better than nothing. As for different stores try to check online or in the yellow pages. The nearest fish store I trust is an hour away, but im willing to drive the distance for the great help and exstensive knowladge.
Hi, and welcome. I know this is a frustrating process. Trying to learn the ropes of a new hobby. There are some pumps sold here. Just look into a few items under the pumps section on here, under aquarium supplies. It may help you find what you need or something similar. If you can get me a pic of the old pump i will find one for you. Research is my thing. I can find anything if i know what it looks like. Sounds to me that it's a pump that pumps the water from your fuge, the tank underneth, to the DT (Display tank), and cycles it back. This is a natural filter, the fuge. i may be wrong. Take as many pics as you can from all angles. It will help everyone get to know your set up, and give us a better chance at helping you out.
:) Sherry


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetpea1286
The only thing I did find out today is that they bigger fish is a damsel. (Or so I am told) He supposedly had a bright blue pinstripe down his side and was jet black when he was smaller. I checked everyones suggestions, but didn't find a match. Any more guesses?
Could be a Jewel or Blue Velvet Damsel. They can both get quite big (over 6 inches). As for your pump, post a pic and maybe someone can identify it or suggest an alternative.


Active Member
Maybe you can take a picture of the pump that broke and post it here. If you were able to do that, I am sure that someone would be able to tell you what it is that you need. You may just need to take it apart and clean it (if something is stuck inside of it).
Another thing you may want to do is remove the smaller pieces of rock (into a bucket) and try to aquascape your rock (to provide caves, tunnels, and knooks and crannies for your fish to swim through), though if you are pregnant, you may want to have someone else do this and you can supervise them as to where you want things inside the tank. Then, when you have finished with that, either put the rest back into the tank or look into a refugium (sounds like you have a sump system, which would make a refugium a little easier than if you had hang on filters).


Active Member
You know I just realized....If its a mag pump you may have to jiggle it a little to get it going???? I have had a couple in my life like this...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
You know I just realized....If its a mag pump you may have to jiggle it a little to get it going???? I have had a couple in my life like this...
True. Could be that taking it apart and giving it a good cleaning will get it working again.


It is a mag pump :) Just figured that out and was coming here to post I had figured it out :) All it says is Submersible Utility pump... Now to find one.... I know this one is NOT safe t use. It has brown *burn* spots where it overheated. I'll try to post a few pics of it and the other fish/ stuff I'm still trying to ID.


Active Member
You can buy Mag pumps here.
If your local fish store didnt recognize a Mag pump run far, far, far away from them...
Now would probably be a good time to tell you to research and get GFI plugs for your aquarium.
Edit: Ok, i lied. Just looked and SWF does not carry Mag brand pumps...


Active Member
Welcome to the boards.

The "unidentified" fish looks like an angelfish to me. I don't know what type specifically, but some fish can lose their coloration when stressed.
Anyway, the mag pump is one of the better pumps in the market, but you'll be looking at 50-80 dollars for a new one. You will most likely find the cheapest price online if you do a search, but you will have to wait for it to be shipped.


Mag-7 submersible. I just found one like it ***************. It wouldn't be here until Tuesday. Do you guys think it could wait that long. I do have a hanging pump circulating the water for now... Any suggestions?


Here are a few pics of the mystery fish: Any guesses?

I am sure I've got the pump right now, but here is the pump and the under part (have no idea what it is called) of the tank :)


Here is the tank this morning after it has settled:
Anyone recognize this???? It looks like red alges stuff???
Or this??
or this? It's green and looks like a little bush :)
How about these gross looking wormy things??
I did find feather worms and lots of baby starfish this morning :)


Active Member
You should clean that sump out really well before you hook a new pump up to it, and maybe even get rid of the bioballs. With all that liverock you don't really need them anyway.
Still no idea on the mystery fish. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was some sort of freshwater Cichlid, but obviously it's not. That's what it really reminds me of, though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
You should clean that sump out really well before you hook a new pump up to it, and maybe even get rid of the bioballs. With all that liverock you don't really need them anyway.
Still no idea on the mystery fish. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was some sort of freshwater Cichlid, but obviously it's not. That's what it really reminds me of, though.
Now that I see the newer pics, I'd swear it's a Cichlid myself!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetpea1286
Mag-7 submersible. I just found one like it ***************. It wouldn't be here until Tuesday. Do you guys think it could wait that long. I do have a hanging pump circulating the water for now... Any suggestions?
Out of respect for SFW please do not post competitor sites, links, etc.
The mystery fish still looks like a Damsel to me.
Your tank will be fine until Tuesday with the powerhead providing some flow... do water tests and water changes as needed to keep Ammonia at 0.0.
I agree though, you're going to have to empty and clean out sump before connecting it back up.
With those Damsels in that tank, all alone, that big... Let's just say aggression is probably going to be an issue if you try to add other fish.


Hmmmmm.... It has a heater in it. (76*) right now. It is a long bar thing that runs across the back. (no clue on brand or anything, but I'm guessing it works :) Sorry about the reference to the other site. Totally slipped my mind :)


Active Member
OK I am probably going to muddy up the waters some more, BUT if you want to check out the pump it may actually be working. Or I cannot tell you how many times I took apart something that was broken, found nothing, put it back together and it works.

So you can undo the 4 screws to the pump that hold the housing. I tried to highlight them in red (sorry on my laptop right now) Then after the 4 screws come out you can take off the housing that I tried to kind of circle in green. This will come off as well as a rubber gasket. You will see the impeller, kind of a flat fan on a magnetic rod. Check it out and see if it turns. There are magnets involved so it will not spin freely, but you chould be able to spin it, and even pull the impeller out. Then the test, with the impeller in place plug it in and unplug it real fast. If the impeller spins then the pump should work.
HTH and sorry if I confused you.