So lost....


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetpea1286
Hmmmmm.... It has a heater in it. (76*) right now. It is a long bar thing that runs across the back. (no clue on brand or anything, but I'm guessing it works :) Sorry about the reference to the other site. Totally slipped my mind :)
Okay. 76* is a little on the low side, but it's not really a big deal. Most people run their tanks somewhere between 78-80. When you get the sump going, you can put the heater down there so it's well hidden (and easier to adjust/replace if necessary).


I would do a search for aquarium clubs in your area. If you post on a decent one Im sure someone would come over and help you get your tank going. Im with the above poster,I dont believe that pump is really broken,by the look of the sump(the tank under the tank) Id say it just needs a good cleaning,Ive seen Mag pumps run for ten years and still run. I know I couldnt wait until tuesday to get that sump going especially with all of the debris in the tank. If you do get the pump(its called a submersible return pump)running then before you do ANYTHING,clean all that crap out of the sump,take it outside and use the hose on it but NO SOAP. You dont have to go buy the exact pump if you cant get it running,just about any of them will work as long as you have an adaptor that will fit your hose,but you need to get a decent size one,you can take your hose with you buy a pump and go to Lowes and they can get the right adaptor for you,dont glue the adaptor to the pump,a few wraps of teflon tape will hold it fine.When you clean out the sump get rid of everything in it(bioballs,filter pads...). I have a similar sump and I use one fiter pad right above where the bioballs are,I change mine once every 3-4 days,you will want to change yours everyday for several days,they are very inexpensive,until a lot of the gunk is cleaned out. Now they probably wont have filters that fit your sump but you can buy it in a roll and use scissors to make the pads. The purple stuff is coraline algae and it is very desirable on your rockwork. Look through your rocks and find a few decent size pieces that dont have much/any coraline on them,break them apart with a hammer and put, them in your sump where the bioballs are now,or use little pieces,the more the merrier,my sump is stuffed with rubble. When you decide to start stacking your rockwork try and leave spaces in between the rocks for good flow throughout as well as giving your creatures places to hide,also stack your rocks with the algae covered areas showing so they are exposed to light. If all else fails with the pump you can use one of the powerheads in your tank. Just take it out of the tank and get an adaptor from hardware to fit your hose or make your hose fit it,it can be done for a dollar or two,stick it in the sump and it will move water,enough to get you by. You really have had a bomb dropped on you thesethings are far removed from goldfish/guppy tanks,they require an extreme amount of time and a lot of money. It is truly a wonderful hobby/addiction/sickness,and it isnt for everyone. If you dont think its for you at least get the fish and other creatures to a fish store,the damsels are a dime a dozen,and if you intend to tough it out and stay in the tank I would go ahead and take them out right away,the fish store may give you some credit for them. It looks like you have at least one coral or anemone in there there may be more that are just closed up because of the difficult conditions,if so they probaly wont make it til tuesday without some filtration and those are the coveted items in this hobby,well I hope I helped ya out some and good luck :/


Originally Posted by grumpygils
Where are you located?
I'm in GA :)
I did take the pump apart, but don't see anything broken or out of place... I put it all back together and it STILL makes that awful noise like a rock is stuck in it??? Any ideas? My pump will be here Monday, but I'd like to get this tank cleaned NOW if possible.
I know I am definately NOT planning on keeping the *big ugly* fish. My 4 stripe is adorable and won't be going anywhere :) I guess I'm in for the long run. I don't mind spending the money, it's just a matter of people thinking I'm imcompetant idiot b/c I'm young, a girl, and pregnant! (The people at the fish store) We only have 2 stores in the arera that I'm aware of. I've search phone books and talked to a few people who used to have tanks... They all say the same thing. They order online...
Atlanta is several (6+) hours away and out of the question for me right now... Anyone know of anything within an hour or so os Savannah, Ga?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetpea1286
I'm in GA :)
I did take the pump apart, but don't see anything broken or out of place... I put it all back together and it STILL makes that awful noise like a rock is stuck in it??? Any ideas? My pump will be here Monday, but I'd like to get this tank cleaned NOW if possible.
I know I am definately NOT planning on keeping the *big ugly* fish. My 4 stripe is adorable and won't be going anywhere :) I guess I'm in for the long run. I don't mind spending the money, it's just a matter of people thinking I'm imcompetant idiot b/c I'm young, a girl, and pregnant! (The people at the fish store) We only have 2 stores in the arera that I'm aware of. I've search phone books and talked to a few people who used to have tanks... They all say the same thing. They order online...
Atlanta is several (6+) hours away and out of the question for me right now... Anyone know of anything within an hour or so os Savannah, Ga?
You know, I'd consider keeping the big fish. For one thing, you're still not sure what he is, and he could be rare and hard to come by. For another he's big, and if he is a damsel of some kind, one that big is definitely a rarity. I just think it would be kind of a shame to part company with it. As for the four stripe, I understand why you like him. I had one for over 10 years myself. Both of the fish (not just the big one) are going to make it hard for you to add anything else without careful preparation and selection anyway, so you might as well just leave things as they are for now. You've got a lot of other things to concentrate on for the time being anyway.
As for local fish stores, search the net. Online definitely has an enormous number of options, but I personally like to see what I'm buying and know that it's healthy and just what I'm looking for, and driving it home is a lot less traumatic than having it shipped out to you.


Active Member
Well since the pump turns, have you tried putting it in a bucket, just the way it is right now, and seeing if it pumps? Do it outside and make sure that if it does work the water will not spray on you and you will be able to unplug the pump.
All pumps make a horrible noise when they are plugged in when they are out of the water. It is the impeller rattling around in there without the water keeping the impeller in place.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Well since the pump turns, have you tried putting it in a bucket, just the way it is right now, and seeing if it pumps? Do it outside and make sure that if it does work the water will not spray on you and you will be able to unplug the pump.
You can also do this in the kitchen sink, bathtub, whatever.
Originally Posted by Scotts

All pumps make a horrible noise when they are plugged in when they are out of the water. It is the impeller rattling around in there without the water keeping the impeller in place.
So true.


Active Member
If there is model number on the pump, alot of times you may just need to replace the impeller. I have to do that periodically, usually a lfs has a bunch of different ones. Although if you have burn marks on it, I'd toss it. home depot's pond pumps are usually way too big for what you want to do.
Definately clean out your wet-dry, go to wally world and get a brush and brush it out with water, I don't know how to clean out bioballs, I'd just buy new ones, or move some of your live rock into your wet-dry, if you do make sure your rock is under water.


You should be able to order a pump and it not be to expensive, I would not use that one if there are burn marks on it. I would not give a fish store your business until they actually help you and just don't want your money. Should be able to find a mag-drive 7 pretty easy by just googling it.
Get rid of the bio balls and clean that filter out. Then thin out your live rock in your main tank by placing it where your bio balls are right now after you have a new pump and the filter working. The live rock just has to stay wet with saltwater. You could also sell some of that live rock and make some money to recoup your loses on the pump.