So Sad


Active Member

I am so stupid!!!!!
I (for some dumd REASON) turned off my filter system and totally forgot to turn it back on last night!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Kole died. I really need to to rethink this whole salt water tank thing!!!!

Man I feel like kicking myself. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Everything else is fine in the tank, but I feel like a total murderer today.
I knew better than to mess with my tank being sick and tired and not thinking straight!!!


i'm sor sorry to hear that! Why did you turn off the filter system? I leave mine running 24/7. I didn't think turining the filter off for the night (only 8 hours or so) would cause any deaths??? I had mine off for 2 days straight (the lfs was closed that night, and on sundays...) and not one casualty... Are you sure he wasn't sick to begin with?


Active Member
This is the second time my filter has been turned off (for a long period of time) and death has occurred.
I think it gets to be to hot.
It's only a 36 glln.
I forgot why I turned it off. I turn it off normally when I put the liquid plankton in the tank but it is only for a few minutes to let it kind of sink to the bottom to where my coral and feather dusters are and then I turn it back on.
I tested the water last night and everything was where it should be.
I have been dealing with this stupid cold for over 4 weeks now so my brain is totally fried and not thinking AT ALL!!
Just was really dumb.


well, instead of turing it off, use a turkey baster to "squirt" the plankton down to your corals, that way there's no chance of you forgetting to turn it back on


Active Member
Thanks. I saw them doing that at the PS so it definitley something that I need to invest in. Shoot they are .99 about this time of the year!!
Thanks. Don't know how to shake this thing!!


oooh, take a lot of ecinachea (SP?), vitamin C, and zinc losenges. Also, if you're congested, there's this amazing stuff called mucinex that'll clear you up in a heartbeat.


Can a person grow microalgae in the main tank as a food source for a tang? Our Foxface won't touch the algae sheets, but he LOVED a little bit of microalgae that came with some copepods I put in the tank...


Active Member
pretty sure you can. as long as the tang doesn't eat it all.
i have grown chaetos in my smaller tank with no natural predator.
my chevron tang in my bigger tank does not touch any veggies. she likes meat.


you could grow it in the prefilter box, and add some daily for the tang...


Do I need to ask for a specific type of microalgae, or is "microalgae" a collective name for a bunch of stuff? If there are specific types, what does a tang eat?


I believe you can get it on that famous auction site for real cheap!
Hey, snail, don't you need my address???