So Sad



well, i've heard mostly good things about this website, except for a few DOA's and a tang that had ich upon arrival. I don't have any personal experience. The only thing i've ever ordered online (for my aquarium that is) was my LR.


Active Member
Well Cross your fingers and toes.
I am ordering now.
Even with the surcharge and "gas" exspense I am saving a huge amount of money. They sell the Turbo snails at our LFS for about $2.99-$3.99 and on here they are 10 for $9.99.
Right there that is a savings alone as well as the hermit crabs.
To buy ten I would be spending $80
I just spent $100 and got quite a few things.
1 x Neon Goby Not Shipped yet 0% $8.99
3 x Cleaner Clam Not Shipped yet 0% $17.97
1 x Blueleg Hermits - Group of 10 Not Shipped yet 0% $9.99
1 x Duster Cluster Not Shipped yet 0% $14.99
1 x Pistol Shrimp - Tiger Not Shipped yet 0% $14.99
2 x Emerald Crab Not Shipped yet 0% $9.98
1 x Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10 Not Shipped yet 0% $9.99


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
i think you should skip the cleaner clams and get your neo goby a friend x 2
ps kelly is rich

I did. I got a Pitol Shrimp. Tiger I think.
The reason I got the clams was because I've been reading that they help the tank Nitrate (I think it's that one) levels.
Shoot I saved up to get this stuff!! MONTHS!!!


Active Member
To get all that on got on here at my LPS I would have spent if not close to $200 but probably over!!


yeah, i don't know about the cleaner clams... they can wreck havock!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
yeah, i don't know about the cleaner clams... they can wreck havock!



i'm not sure, but if they're anything like scallops, they can be little devils. Also, they bury in sand, so make sure your LR is directly on the glass, or else you may have a few rock-falls.


Active Member
there are other ways to reduce nitrates, like using macroalgaes and a fuge.
all is not lost kelly, you still can buy a hang on back refugium and i'll supply the chaeto.
i think i am being too nice. i need to maintain the reputation of an ass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
i don't think either of them considers me a friend

No I am totally in love with you!