So, Who Here Says "YALL"!


Active Member
I'm from Philly and I sometimes say "y'all" ....but usually only online b/c it's shorter. I picked it up when my family went to TN to visit a friend of my Father's - started saying it as a joke and it kinda stuck.

Oh well, it's better, in my opinion, than the standard Philly/Jersey "Yous" :mad:


Hey.. here in Lake Placid we say ya'll, and this is a real good one "fixin to go to town!! :hilarious I actually grew up in Miami but moved to Lake Placid in 1977 I'm a hick now, for sure


Active Member
ONly ones that don't is them ther yankee's! Its pretty much common place to hear y'all in the south. The northern part of the country is more like "you guys"! Don't have a clue what they say out on the left coast.......but hearing a person say y'all if up north usually means they have at least spent some time n the south or are a former southerner.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chipmaker
ONly ones that don't is them ther yankee's! Its pretty much common place to hear y'all in the south. The northern part of the country is more like "you guys"! Don't have a clue what they say out on the left coast.......but hearing a person say y'all if up north usually means they have at least spent some time n the south or are a former southerner.....
IDK, I say ya'll ALL the time, and I only go to Florida once every two years to see my grandparents. I have never lived there. I say it all the time and I live in Michigan! And I have lived there all my life!


Active Member
Which means all you southerners "look up" (lol, get it?) to us northerners!! lol...I make myself laugh.
BTW, thanks for the email Jacknjill!!!! :cheer:

dr. evil

im from new awlins and i say yall all the time oh and "jeetyet" = have you eaten lately. and hey Hot883 thats ya momanem=your mother and them.


Originally Posted by JacknJill
Clemmons, basically Winston-Salem. How far away is Greenville from Winston-Salem?
My dad said somewhere around 3 or 4 hours. We live in Pitt County if that helps.