So, Who Here Says "YALL"!


New Member
Hmmmm i`m in Pennsylvania and say ya`ll. Ya`ll is plural singular is ya. Where Ya goin?

What ginds my teeth is to hear someone say" I`m fixin to go"


Active Member
The word fixin is pretty comonly used in the well as the word Rekon...And we do not have creeks here we have criks.


Active Member
That is true chipmaker.
Yeah jackn jill, just not as close as tizzo, and BBB, but that is ok, you are still closer than most


New Member
Originally Posted by BBB
My dad said somewhere around 3 or 4 hours. We live in Pitt County if that helps.
Craven Co. here


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
Now, from what i have heard, saying yall is only a southern thing. Is this true? Do you say yall?
I'm in Tennessee, EVERYONE around here says y'all, including me. My girlfriend is korean and I think she is on of the world's few asian hillbillies

We use a lot of the hillbilly slang on purpose...much like how a lot of black people use ebonics. For instance, we say "sammich" (sandwich), "bigin" (big one), howdy, on purpose just for giggles. We speak with a twang on purpose a lot too.


i say it,
ive lived in michigan, california, north carolina and now rhode island... raised withboth parents in the marine corps, and now im in the coast guard.. the new englanders bust me for sayin yall.. but they say caa and baaa or draaaa....


Well now... How many people think that red neck is a nationality??
When I moved here from Ohio, I asked a frend of mine if one of his nationalities was red neck (kinda testing his intelligence) he had the nerve to tell me, "that he got it from his dad's side of the family".
Never quite looked at southerners the same.


More importantly, what do people consider a red neck? I'd love to hear this one! Many people not from the south still think we ride horses everywhere, LOL!


IMO "Red neck" is an attitude. A style if you will. Comperable to "prep" or "yuppie".
There is country, and then there's redneck. Country is, well country. IMO country is a good ol' fashioned, what gramma taught, kinda simplicity. Red neck is a more "uneducated" country.
Red Necks are folks who LIVE in the country, but have to many unsupported opinions. For example, and this is ONLY an example not a profile, but racism. If I meet somebody from the country who is an OBVIOUS racist, my first impression is red neck. Potatos shooters, ---- fights, 5 cars that don't run in the driveway... Ooohh Jeff Foxworthy pretty much nails it!!
Hard working, horse riding, fence fixing, cow milkers aren't red necks IMO, they are country.
That is my perspective on what a red neck is.


Active Member
Hey Tizzo, I think ignorant is ignorant. And racist is racist. I know some rednecks that would give you the shirt off their backs, no matter your color. I figure that was a generalization, but it seemed kinda broad. I'm off the soap box now.


Active Member
BTW Foxworthy hits so many nails on the head it is unreal!!
Use "juicy" in a sentence. Hey, "juicy" all the stuff on that food bar?


lol, i completely agree with tizzo. Redneck is wearing a rambo costume to your sister's wedding. You know you're a redneck when you've been married three times and still have the same in-laws. You may be a redneck if your family tree has no forks.