

so.. my tang isn't all yellow anymore! around its face its a little white(like it lost its yellow) i just bought Frozen emerald entree to help its diet.. any thoughts?



My water levels havnt been the best but, as of a week ago there back on track! It looks a little more white then what it actually looks like in the tank.


Wow! He doesn't look good. What were you feeding?
Get vitamins, Selcon and/or VitaChem are excellent choices.
I also recommend Ocean Nutrition or Julian Sprung's (Two Little Fishies) dried algae sheets, every day.
What were your parameters and what are they now?
What else is in the tank with this fish?
How long has this been going on?
How large is your tank?


As of 9/17
Phosphate .20
nitrite .5
nitrate .8
ammonia .5
As of now
Phos .15
nitrate unsure
ammonia .05(i think)
Yeah I know it was really bad but, now it has improved by 50% I'm doing anther 5 gallon water change tomorrow. My tank was in really bad shape about a month ago. And its been awhile
but, i can honestly say it looks like its getting better.. as of yesterday witch is a weird thing to say.. Fish lineup: One yellow tang, 2 cardinals, one Mandarin Dragonet, and one Engineer Goby witch is a half a foot! it looks great.. I have a 55(yes I know not the best for the tang) but I've had it for awhile now.(5 months) I use to feed them pellets, but i switched over yesterday to a frozen food.. they love it. With many ingredients(like 25) including PE Mysis.. I just want my tang back to health


your fish is very need to feed better foods soaked in all the vitamins mentioned above for it to even stand a chance......


Well-Known Member

LOl..I knew it....I just have to learn to be a little more assertive    LOL
LOL,Lois, unassertive?? I don't think I've ever heard that before on these boards!
Yes, Beth is right -- that's HLLE. Keep up with your water changes and get your ammonia and nitrite to 0 as quickly as possible. Nori and other sheet greens are a must, and as mentioned -- mysis soaked in selcon.
If he doesn't get better, you may have to consider giving him back to a LFS with a large display tank. 55 isn't unheard of for yellow tangs, although many people frown on it, but the smallish tank size may also be a contributing stress factor for the fish.


I actually also recommend using Amquel or Prime before a water change to get that ammonia and nitrite back to zero. Ammonia and Nitrite is dangerous to any fish, especially a really sick one.


Yeah:/ its deffently my fault, now i'm trying to reverse what I did.. Can i soak it with kent marine Coral Vite? It has: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1,B6,C,calcium,Mg,Fe,Po,and strontium
.. So whats the changes that i can get it back to health??


We all make mistakes, don't beat yourself up too much. The CoralVite really isn't what the fish needs. He really needs Selcon and/or VitaChem and nutritious foods. You can bring him back, it's just going to take time, patience and good husbandry skills.


Vitachem or Selcon ? what works best for you? and for now could I Make a medley with garlic and little orange jucie and have my food soak in there while i'm waiting for it to ship out.. Whats some other nutitious foods I could put in that will highly benefit my tang?


IF i Had to pick one...I would pick SELCON....BUT....You really need a I would get more then one vitamin....selcon, zoecon and vita chem are good to use alternately
get marine cuisine, emerald entree.....mega marine algae is a good food....
do not get flakes, or pellets.....or frozen brine...