SOCCER - The Real Football


yeah and how many recievers are there??? when in soccer you can have 4 forwards and three midfielders who can probably out run a football reciever. so tell me something else i must not know anything about.


Active Member
I never understood the sport where you are playin with like a twenty foot wide GOAL, and a 12 in ball, and Score 1 freakin point..... and that is amazing.... but Basketball players play with a 13" ball and an 18" Hoop, and score in the 100's! And you tell me that these guys are great?
Just a point...... to each their own!!!


Active Member
and if they can "out run" a reciever........ they should switch sports..... Watch them out run a few DB's or saftys.... they would get their ball kicken A$$es handed to them!!!! (let them run past B. Urlacer, or R. Lewis (LB's)


New Member
Originally Posted by DennyCrane
Plus, ask any girl what athlete they rather be with and soccer player wins hands down nearly every time.
Woah there... i dont think so, that would be a pretty retarded girl
but really, football is for the real tough people and SOCCER is for wimps who have a one-in-hundred chance of getting hit, but if you play both thats cool.
Just the truth. :joy:

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by DennyCrane
This is true to the extent that NASCAR, Golf, Tennis, Equestrian, skateboarding, surfing, skiing and other sports make no use of the hands.

How do you;
steer the car
hold the racket
hold the club
keep your balance
keep your balance
hold the poles
or did I completely misunderstand this?


Active Member
Soccer rule!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Not for nothing is the most wide known sport in the continent!!


Active Member
If you don't know were JUVENTUS is too bad. They play in Torino, Italy, where the Winter Olympic games are being played.
:hilarious :hilarious


haha! As a former Div. 1 player and a current college coach I have to put in my 2 cents... Football sucks. Its a bunch of "big boned" guys who have to huddle up before each play and tell each other exactly where they are going to run. Then, they line up and jump on each other while grunting. Sounds exciting. HAHA, I'm just playing. I do give a lot of credit to the quarter backs and recievers though, they have to be in good shape and quick on their toes. Soccer on the other hand, everyone must be in shape! There is no "time outs", you adjust to the play as it happens. Everyone plays offense and defense. There is a lot of strategies that must be taken into consideration also... what formations you should play according to the strengths and weaknesses of your team and your opponents team... I could go on and on. And hey, I aint complaining about the orange slices...


Active Member
Lets see how many time outs they need when they get HIT on every play!! Come on here you slide tackle some one and they are out for the game, People get hit on every play in football!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
haha! As a former Div. 1 player and a current college coach I have to put in my 2 cents... Football sucks. Its a bunch of "big boned" guys who have to huddle up before each play and tell each other exactly where they are going to run. Then, they line up and jump on each other while grunting. Sounds exciting. HAHA, I'm just playing. I do give a lot of credit to the quarter backs and recievers though, they have to be in good shape and quick on their toes. Soccer on the other hand, everyone must be in shape! There is no "time outs", you adjust to the play as it happens. Everyone plays offense and defense. There is a lot of strategies that must be taken into consideration also... what formations you should play according to the strengths and weaknesses of your team and your opponents team... I could go on and on. And hey, I aint complaining about the orange slices...

you are right FUTBOL does suck... you mean to tell me that because there is a huddle and organization before each play you are going to discredit their intellegence and athletic ability... atleast it doesnt look like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut off chasing a polka dotted ball...
not to mention please sign me up for a sport where the army is in full riot gear and teargas ready to be fired at any moment... or if you miss the game winning goal you go back to you home and get assassanated... yeah sounds like a blast... oh and btw the clock may not stop, but there are plenty of times during the match that the ball is slowed or stopped so the players can catch their breathe...


hm... I have a great idea... let's kill a pig and shove a bunch of air up it's butt. Then after that let's run around with more padding than a maxi-pad factory and crash into each other. Now that takes some talent... :cheer:


By that same token, I could easily phrase soccer as this:
Let's kick a ball around! We may not score for a few hours, but will that be exciting? Hell yes! Then after that, let's start a riot and kill a couple of people! Woohoo, soccer rules!


Originally Posted by yz106
Woah there... i dont think so, that would be a pretty retarded girl
but really, football is for the real tough people and SOCCER is for wimps who have a one-in-hundred chance of getting hit, but if you play both thats cool.
Just the truth. :joy:

Real tough people? Tough is not covering every square inch of your body in near bullet proof armor and running into someone wearing the same. It looks like a demolition derby with nerf cars. What is tough is sprinting as hard as you can and diving head first into a header when you know either someone's boot or even worse someones head is about to collide with yours, and yet you don't lay off. Football players are strong, I'll give you that (you got to be to shove another fatty all over the field).
If only retarded girls prefer soccer players, then I married a retard. You got to look at the long run on these atheletes. After a football player has finished his "athletic" years and his bulking up and working out is over (and he's quit his steroids) he usually develpes man boobs bigger than most girls. Attractive? I doubt you would think so.
The final point: You will NEVER see a soccer player pat another teammate on the rear after a good play...EVER.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DennyCrane
The final point: You will NEVER see a soccer player pat another teammate on the rear after a good play...EVER.
But you will see them HUG and KISS each other!!!


Originally Posted by My Way
How do you;
steer the car
hold the racket
hold the club
keep your balance
keep your balance
hold the poles
or did I completely misunderstand this?

Yeah, you didn't quite grasp that one...obvious football fan. Kidding
. What I meant was, the use of hands in the above mentioned sports plays just as much of an important role in those sports as does the use of hands in soccer. And I'm not referring to the obvious keeper position. I'll put it another way: A double arm amputee would probably not make a good soccer player (no offence to any double arm amputees). People have taken the handball rule and run wild with it. The ball can't touch your hand, but you are constantly jiving, pulling, pushing and fighting for position and possession of the ball by using your hands and arms - just watch a game.
As for the fighting in soccer by the fans, it happens in football too, but on the field with riotous behavier (who was it? Clemson / South Carolina and some NFL teams?). Look, occasionally a soccer player will get in a row with another player and a punch will be thrown. But I have to say, in football when a player throws a punch at another is possibly the stupidest, dumbest thing I have ever seen (and consistantly see over and over again). Throwing a punch at a person wearing a metal face mask and a composite helmet it a good argument for removing that person from the gene pool.


So, what do you think about the new "Houston 1836" ?
I'm not much for soccer, but it's getting some publicity here!

dr. evil

millerman said:
yeah and how many recievers are there??? when in soccer you can have 4 forwards and three midfielders who can probably out run a football reciever. so tell me something else i must not know anything about.[/QUOTE
you have got to be kidding.