Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Annenberg fact check foundation?
LOL i see where this thread is going already.

know what i don't like about these pics?
there's no signature on the full picture of the certificate, and the imprint looks like fuzzy lines, not an imprint


Active Member
Now I'm confused... so the FACTS posted by GeriDoc and Bionicarm are not enough to convince the opposition... that does show that they (you) are, in fact, nothing more than whiny conspiracy theorists. Have you ever seen John McCain's or George Bush's birth certificates.
I was originally under the impression that the birth certificate was not released. But the link posts a picture of it!! What more can Obama do? You may claim that this "could" be a fake, but do you have any evidence showing that it is a fake? If not then this is just more conspiratorial nonsense who have serious underlying objections to Obama being our president.
In short, in view of the evidence supporting his citizenship, where is your evidence showing that he is NOT a citizen?

darthtang aw

Active Member
And to further compound Crimzy's point, as if the current administration and congress have not given us enough to complain about. Why is this still an issue for some?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Now I'm confused... so the FACTS posted by GeriDoc and Bionicarm are not enough to convince the opposition... that does show that they (you) are, in fact, nothing more than whiny conspiracy theorists. Have you ever seen John McCain's or George Bush's birth certificates.
I was originally under the impression that the birth certificate was not released. But the link posts a picture of it!! What more can Obama do? You may claim that this "could" be a fake, but do you have any evidence showing that it is a fake? If not then this is just more conspiratorial nonsense who have serious underlying objections to Obama being our president.
In short, in view of the evidence supporting his citizenship, where is your evidence showing that he is NOT a citizen?
Crimzy i could provide you with a picture of me on the moon on a lawn chair drinking a margarita if you like.All i am saying is that this should be finally put to rest.It could easily have been done but wasnt.This is why we still have case pending and soldiers refusing orders.


Active Member
Just to clarify the liberal point of view here...
A soldier questioning if the President is Constitutionally allowed to be President=treason
Elected officials, calling our troops rapists, murderers and nazis, and declaring we have "lost the war" is not treason.
That sum it up?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
He released his birth certificate during the campaign, just people are too stupid to realize it, or the right wing media didn't pay attention, either way, this soldier is now committing treason.
A piece of paper proves nothing not to mention that isnt a original. Nothing short of a full investigation with witnesses and full documentation will end doubt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Crimzy i could provide you with a picture of me on the moon on a lawn chair drinking a margarita if you like.All i am saying is that this should be finally put to rest.It could easily have been done but wasnt.This is why we still have case pending and soldiers refusing orders.
A couple of simple questions... hopefully you will answer them...
(1) What more can Obama do to put this to rest than release the birth certificate?
(2) What is the evidence that he is NOT a citizen?
(3) Have you seen the birth certificates of George Bush or John McCain?
(4) If not, do you have the same doubts about their citizenships?
(5) Don't you think there are racial and/or ethnic undertones to this movement?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
But it's pretty disappointing that Obama, who did run on a platform of governmental "transparency" (as Streb mentioned above), is not willling to disclose his birth certificate. The dual citizenship argument is crap, but he could put an end to most of this nonsense just by providing a simple document...
Hold the phone, did you just agree with me about something?
My personal theory and opinion, (and this is from the "right wing nut") as I was referred to in a previous post. I don't think this guy should be doing this. Just because you don't think the prez is an American citizen, doesn't mean you go out and say what he said. (unless you can actually win the fight if you're right) IMO although not as egregious as some of the stuff Murtha and other elected democrats have said. It's goals are the same ( I don't think it is intentional in this case). Undermining the office of the Prez of the USA and the work in Iraq.
My theory about this Obama birth certificate, is that his mom messed up on the paper work. They went in later and "corrected it" or changed it after kenya man left the picture.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
A couple of simple questions... hopefully you will answer them...
(1) What more can Obama do to put this to rest than release the birth certificate?
Hospital records and the original birth certificate would help
(2) What is the evidence that he is NOT a citizen?
Obviously some have some doubt.People are trying to find out the answer via evidence that he is or isnt
(3) Have you seen the birth certificates of George Bush or John McCain?
No ,but im sure if they where asked they would provide it and family history to boot.
(4) If not, do you have the same doubts about their citizenships?No i do not.Why would i?No one has offered questions to make me suspicious
(5) Don't you think there are racial and/or ethnic undertones to this movement?
Not by this particular member of the armed forces


Active Member
Thanks for the answers... so basically you are saying that the evidence that he is NOT a citizen is only that "some have doubts", and nothing objective. The evidence offered in this thread alone favor the contention that the original birth certificates have been released.
I'm fairly certain that HIPAA laws would prevent the release of his mother's medical records.
If this is the best evidence that he is not a citizen, then this should all be laid to rest immediately. The courts don't need to waste their time with frivolous, unsupported theories.
If you don't have any credible proof showing that he is not a citizen, then a responsible person wouldn't even call this thing a "controversy". The guys before are right, it appears to be nothing more than a conspiracy theory by a bunch of nutjobs.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Thanks for the answers... so basically you are saying that the evidence that he is NOT a citizen is only that "some have doubts", and nothing objective. The evidence offered in this thread alone favor the contention that the original birth certificates have been released.
I'm fairly certain that HIPAA laws would prevent the release of his mother's medical records.
If this is the best evidence that he is not a citizen, then this should all be laid to rest immediately. The courts don't need to waste their time with frivolous, unsupported theories.
Again i belive this is not frivolous and should be heard in a court of law.Maybe we can knock one of the, he shot himself in the head so im suing the gun manufacturer cases off the docket and make room for this one.
If you don't have any credible proof showing that he is not a citizen, then a responsible person wouldn't even call this thing a "controversy". The guys before are right, it appears to be nothing more than a conspiracy theory by a bunch of nutjobs.

These are not my allegations, i posted a story and said i thought it was interesting.
I would argue that unless you are being shot at facing IED's and placing your life on the line then you are in no position to call this person a nut job. In addition he took a oath to support and protect the US Constitution of the United States of America ,so i would say he deserves a clear cut answer that has not been satisfied in the eyes of many thousands of American Citizens including himself.
Maybe we can remove a few of the "i shot myself in the head with my own gun on purpose and im suing the manufacturer"lawsuits off the docket and make room for this one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
(5) Don't you think there are racial and/or ethnic undertones to this movement?
You can ALWAYS count on a liberal to bring race up.

Actually McCain's eligibility was challenged too. He was born in Panama... But he proved his citizenship. There is a difference between hospital paper work (which was what was released) and state paper work...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
A couple of simple questions... hopefully you will answer them...
(3) Have you seen the birth certificates of George Bush or John McCain?
(4) If not, do you have the same doubts about their citizenships?
Actually there was a similar thing regarding McCain during his run. He was born in the panama Canal zone, so there were questions regarding his citizenship as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You can ALWAYS count on a liberal to bring race up.

Actually McCain's eligibility was challenged too. He was born in Panama... But he proved his citizenship. There is a difference between hospital paper work (which was what was released) and state paper work...

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

Actually there was a similar thing regarding McCain during his run. He was born in the panama Canal zone, so there were questions regarding his citizenship as well.
you're too late!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
These are not my allegations, i posted a story and said i thought it was interesting.
I would argue that unless you are being shot at facing IED's and placing your life on the line then you are in no position to call this person a nut job. In addition he took a oath to support and protect the US Constitution of the United States of America ,so i would say he deserves a clear cut answer that has not been satisfied in the eyes of many thousands of American Citizens including himself.
He has no subpoena power, nor is he entitled to interrogate the President. So actually, he is not "entitled" to anything. He has access to the courts, just like anyone else. As a citizen of this country and a soldier, that is all he "deserves". If he has a legitimate constitutional challenge then he can bring it. But since he doesn't, he's just pissing in the wind. And where is it written that a soldier cannot be a prejudice nutjob? I have the right to criticize an agent of the government, remember.
Kind of hypocritical that anyone can support this guy calling the president an "imposter" but objects to me calling him a crazy, prejudice, conspiracy-theorist nutjob who is an embarassment to the American flag.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
He has no subpoena power, nor is he entitled to interrogate the President. So actually, he is not "entitled" to anything. He has access to the courts, just like anyone else. As a citizen of this country and a soldier, that is all he "deserves". If he has a legitimate constitutional challenge then he can bring it. But since he doesn't, he's just pissing in the wind. And where is it written that a soldier cannot be a prejudice nutjob? I have the right to criticize an agent of the government, remember.
Kind of hypocritical that anyone can support this guy calling the president an "imposter" but objects to me calling him a crazy, prejudice, conspiracy-theorist nutjob who is an embarassment to the American flag.

unless he is black, (well half black) then you are a racist! As documented in this thread...