Soldier in need of help.....


Hey guys and gals. I know this may sound strange, but I need some of your help. I just got back from Iraq today, and came home to a tank that complelty crashed. Aparently something died while I was gone in Iraq, and my brother who was taking care of the tank didnt know and the tank perished.
I lost evertything... including all the money spent and you all know how much us military make.... see this thread.... My Flower Pot had babies!!
I had him compeltly restablish the tank. The tank had been cleaned out and started from scratch. It was recycled and I tested today and peramiters are perfect.
Here is where I would like to ask for your help and genorocity. If any of you have any corals or anything you would like to donate to a soldier in need of rebuilding this reef tank... small pieces of anything to help me out would sooo greatly be appreciated. Of course I will pay all shipping and will do all the leg work needed.
If you wish to donate something please reply here or e-mail me at
Thank you all for your support for all us troops while we are in the middle east. Any of you prior military know how much it means to come home safe and sound.
Josh Henley


thank you for fighting for our freedom, i have some xenia, green star polyp ,and a leather i can send you to get started.


i have to go eat dinner with my girlfriend but i will send that email later tonight. do you have Aol instant messanger? if so it will be much easyer to talk back and forth on there. my sn is amphiprion12 and im going to get my brother to frag some of the stuff he has for you also. he has alot more than me.


Bump again ......... my son came back from Iraq in Sept., will be going back over in Feb. My thanks to you for all you do, too many people don't realize the freedoms we have because of brave soldiers like you. I don't have anything to frag, just getting back into salt water again myself. Good luck and God Bless


Active Member
Josh, welcome back. Please post the lighting system that you have ie. PC's, T-5's, MH etc. Wattage and size of tank. Barry


I have a 29 gallon tank with a 25 gallon refugium. I currenlty I have a 96 watt PC on the tank because all thats in there is feather duster and very tiny true percual.
I have a 2X 150W 20K HQI Metal Halide light thats still in the box and will be used once something that can use the light.
Thanks again guys for your support.


what batallion...squad..and branch of armed services are you in? I have a few friends who have gone over and come back...


I can only say Air Force Special ops, and that I fly on an Air Force special ops aircraft... some guys got into some very serious trouble posting what units they were with and what they were flying. The military has a new unit that surfs the internet with 1 misson... looking for people posting the specifics. (But look at the picture and it should fill in the blanks) :scared:


josh just send me about 20 bucks ill cover the rest. im not going to screw you over either ill send a recept with the corals. i will leave you my address on myspace. and ps sorry about my myspace pic lol my girlfriend took it one day.


John A i have never heard of it but i will look in to it. are you a member? which fish store around here do you go to? please dont say underwaterworld.


Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone. I hope you all had the opportunity to spend time with some loved ones, and truly recognize how lucky we all are.