Solomon Islands Devastated



I do believe in the climate changing and we can not control the Sun. Gypsana mentioned the Sun and it is at its' peak right now with all the sun spots. But, we can do something about the greenhouse gases. We can use solar energy and wind power and for crying out loud.. make a all fishing boats run on motors that use salt water as its' energy source. There has got to be some metal out there that can tolerate the salt water. Lord knows I have been battling this voltage problem in my tank for almost a month now. I miss seeing my feet when I used to stand knee deep in the Gulf. Oil companies have made enough money. I am tired of getting forwards of all the super buildings and silver cars in Dubai.


Active Member
Do you think if Humans weren't on earth the MAGNITUDES would be the same?
I think this planet has gone through FAR GREATER periods of change in the past. Again, the continents were not in the same place, there were oceans well to the ******** of continents that are now dry, or covered in ice...
What has changed is that we are here to experience it, document it, and find something to complain about. I think the magnitude has only changed because of our limited perception, understanding and ability to measure what is normal.
Behind it all, IMO, is money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tiberius
We can use solar energy and wind power and for crying out loud..

No offense, but have you seen a "wind farm?"
One of the ugliest abuses in otherwise pristine areas. I nearly cried when I saw beautiful mesas in west Texas covered in windmills. Let's not forget they have unpleasant down sides as well, as Ted Kennedy can surely tell us.
Why not nuclear - which I am all for!
The real focus should be on saving OURSELVES. Promoting clean air - for the sake of clean air and low smog - promoting efficiency in fuel economy because well, we need to conserve it and it makes no sense not to.
But we need to know WHY we should do them. And the idea of "saving the planet" because we are "destroying it," IMO, is not the reason.


Also, making a solar panel is far more harmful to the environment than driving a car for a year straight. There is a lot of misinformation regarding alternative energies, if they actually worked efficiently energy companies would emplore them. I've worked for several oil and energy companies and there are many alternative energies that are currently "shelved" because they simply would not do anything other then be a nuisance. We are already operating as efficiently as possible in our immense industrialization. Biodiesel, hydrogen, etc all have untold issues surrounding them; that until better technology is developed will only cause the burning of more fossil fuels.
I agree with Ophiura, go nuclear!!!!

aztec reef

Active Member
ophiura said:
I think this planet has gone through FAR GREATER periods of change in the past. Again, the continents were not in the same place.
Behind it all, IMO, is money.
You're so True,
But see, the fact is that nothing new has happend is all up to Mother Nature but if you think about it.
Why aren't the Weather Guys never right on weather?. because the climate is not the same each year and it will Never be.
Maybe is not so much that the magnitude has change, But people might think it gets worse each year but IMO that conclusion is not that certain. We just see it Bigger cuz we the Human species are Growing and developing & civilazing and claiming territory and poluting.that seems more certain to me.
Because if there were NO humans i think the same activities would be happening. But again noOne would be here to record this activities..The only difference we're seeing is the Death Tolls..
although i'm not trying to say that humans are the cause of Global Warming EITHER..


Originally Posted by ophiura
No offense, but have you seen a "wind farm?"
I only seen them on the tele or in movies and they look so majestic to me.
Why not nuclear - which I am all for
With all the terror threats, I think this is a dangerous idea to have more of them. We can't even protect are own borders in stopping people from coming in this country. I am sure it would be quite easy to get in one of those places and do something crazy.
The real focus should be on saving OURSELVES. Promoting clean air - for the sake of clean air and low smog - promoting efficiency in fuel economy because well, we need to conserve it and it makes no sense not to.
I agree totally! I feel real bad for the 20 year olds who want to start a family. What are those grandkids going to be breathing in. Pretty soon it will be oxygen in cans. Hey, people would have thought bottled water was crazy 50 years ago.
But we need to know WHY we should do them. And the idea of "saving the planet" because we are "destroying it," IMO, is not the reason.
Well for anyone who goes to the beach and remembers how it looked 20 years ago is reason for me. Down with pesticides and pollution! :cheer:


I am sorry to butt in hear but hasn't this kinda of gotten off topic of this thread. Its getting to sound like a thread in the aquarium section.


Active Member
There are always questions that are marginal between the forums. I think that discussion is always a good thing.
If we are not on topic, then IMO the short of it is:
The human aspect of the story is tragic.
The rest is normal and natural and the reef will return.
But if you lament this loss of a reef, I hope you are thinking about your own choices in the hobby


90% of my tank is aquacultured

I also think wind farms are pretty... given the right background music.

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
Sorry Al Gore is still a politician and he has his own agenda. The sun is having a major impact on our planet, but you won't hear about that on TV.
It may be the sun adding the heat, however, I do believe that nature is greater than we are, though we a population of 6 billion do have that small impact on our climate to alter what it will do. However, earthquakes and tsunamis are nothing out of teh ordinary, if we believe we caused that there is something seriously wrong with that. Greenland is a landmass, albeit covered with ice and snow, but still mostly good ol dirt. It cannot melt, just what is on it can.

aztec reef

Active Member
have you ever heard of: What goes up must come down
If it does melt it would take Centuries and Centuries.Did you know Greenland was ICE FREE back in the good old days..

reef diver

Active Member
Just curious, its on teh energy issue. Sorry for the tehs' im a gamer its a popular word for some reason. But in a recent issue of popular science. This guy made a plasma garbage converter(best word for it) it uses a plasma ray(?) normally used in metal plants, to break teh garbage down to its basic components, and produce thousands (?) of watts of electric power in return, while the machine only uses a third of the power put out.

aztec reef

Active Member
I think the fact that he got such power in return was do to the garbage content containing such things as elements,minerals,chemicals,vitamins ect. but i bet if he tryed a less complex substance he would get low energy or maybe None..
Who else has thoughts on this?
Originally Posted by Tiberius
I know that every week it seems that the weather person is saying "We don't normally have this weather now" when viewing the US weather on Weather Channel.
I read that the fish population will be depleted in 2040. Makes me sick when I hear those Red Lobster commercials with the all you can eat menus.
If you watched that Al Gore movie then it sure looks like it. If Greenland does melt, I will be under water!
I just feel bad about the polar bears drowning because they are losing so much ice and can't swim forever.

To be fair, 99% of what you get at Red Loobster, isn't what you think. They serve Mangrove snapper and call it red snapper. Also, most of the "Lobster" is actually Langastino or Slipper. So they are depleting the more common fish which is more sustainable. Also, the majority of the meal is pasta anyway.