solve this and you win...


My respect!!
I have a mushroom rock that is very prolific and has always sent out teticles from the bottom of the rock. I assumed that these were from the mushrooms themselves, I am now no so sure, They extend through a "trap door under the rock and can reach a length od 12" they are used for gathering food and are interesting to watch.
This first photo is of the rock and some of the tenticles.


This shot is of the "trap door." Sorry, this is the best image that I could get.
Any ideas?


Thanks for the help everyone, he's really cool!
I assume that he's safe? So far he seems to be interested in eating Blenny poop, he's right next to the Blenny dumping ground.


New Member
I have one of these (I think -- based on the picture!) hiding in a rock. All we see is the tenticles coming out.
Unfortunately, it killed our spiny oyster and our flame scallop being as they were situated close. We didn't even know it was there until the two bi-valves died a few days apart.
Does this sound like worms, or might it be a tube enenome?

bang guy

I can assure you that a Spaghetti Worm can only clean up the mess. I would have to guess that your Oyster and File Clam died of starvation and nothing related to the Teribellid.