some cool pics of my tank


Active Member
just thought id share some cool pics of the tank.
hey look, its my avatar in the upper left! :)


Active Member
Lookin sweet dan. Hey, what are the two or three grassy looking specimens to the left of your brain coral? I would love to get some of those for my tank. :cool:


Active Member
i was told its torch coral, but not the true torch coral because it has more than one bulb on each tip. but who knows. maybe frogspawn? anyone know?
i have fragged that thing twice now. it grows like mad!
if you're intrested in the next one, let me know!
it does sting though.


Active Member
Torch coral... wow. Heck yeah, let me know if you hack it again. I would deffinitly trade/ buy a frag. That's nice stuff. Hey, I checked out that post on hermits. But, there are so many mixed responses, I don't know what to take from it. Yer tank is looking hot, so what do you use as a cleanup crew? What kind of hermits?


Active Member
there are some zebras/blue legs/scarlets in there.
bunch of differnt snails, one turbo.
what are you looking to trade?
if theres something that really catches my eye i would definatly be willing to snap a peice off and just have a little smaller peice in my tank
there are about...8 heads on it.
i got it with 4, and already took off 3!


Active Member
Cool, so do the blue legs or zebras bother anything in the tank. I hear they will destroy things, eat corals, and fight with each other.
I heard scarlets are the safest way to go, but I dont know why. I also noticed that they are twice as much as bluelegs on I dont understand that either.
Let's see, I will have to see if there is anything cool I have to trade. I would say wait on trading a frag, because my corals are just now opening up great after being in the tank for a month and a half. I dont want to send something that might die on you. I would deffinitly buy a piece though. :cool:

nm reef

Active Member
danrw84....Not only is that a sweet looking got some nice pics of it too. Sure looks like a mature/stable & well maintained system.
The coral ya'all were discussing looks like a frogspawn to me....I have both a torch and the same frogspawn you've got.


Active Member
the frogspawn doest sting the crap outa the brain ? seems that they are lil to close close for comfort


Active Member
thanks guys
sloth: doesnt seem to hurt it, or touch it. but just incase i'll move it an inch for ya
NM reef - thanks!
the live rock is a variety. I just picked out peices from my LFS i thought looked cool, made a setup in the tank and now it turned purple ;)
entice: its a blasamussa (i think i spelled it wrong)
i got it real cheap because it looked real small at the LFS. its coming around!
i dont know anything about it really. but it likes being up top!


Great quality pics what are some of the camera settings
your using I cant seem to get this type of quality out of mine
I guess practice makes perfect. Great stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!