Some Macro Pictures.............


Active Member
Ryebread.... you take some really awesome pictures man. Let me ask you... if I want to snap some photos of my reef:
Do I turn the lights in the room off, obviously keep the tank's lights on... and turn the camera's flash off. Or keep the flash on? Or keep the room lights on?
You know what I am trying to say... I hope. :D


Active Member
FANTASTIC! man i am gonna print one of those out and hang it up in my room just cause they are so friggin goofy lookin! what a clown!
good luck


Active Member
Hey there HairTrigger-
I shoot the tank in both conditions. If I am shooting a full tank pic........I turn the room lights off. If I am shooting a close-up pic........I shoot with the room lights on. You will have to experiment with the flash settings.
I am running 225 watts of VHO over my 29 Gallon.


Active Member
I use a tripod as often as I can but, not all the time. If I am using flash, I usually do not need one but, it always helps. I also like the way the tank lights look and I would like to get better no-flash pics.
Here is a pic of my turtle, Boost Lager.


Just learning how to use the manual functions of a Nikon 995. Not really macros but what the hey.......


Active Member
Sweet... I think I have the basic idea on how to shoot my tank now. See, I didn't want to just start experimenting because film isn't free... and developing is a gyp most places.
Anyone develop their own pics? Ryebread... you obviously know what you're doing with a camera. You ever tried developing?


Active Member
tcreef- Good job. The coolpix 995 should be a nice model to play around with. It has a macro capability of 0.8"............das pretty close. Nice shots.
Hair Trigger- I have my own darkroom as well as run a photoshop in town. Developing your own pictures is by no means any cheaper really. It opens up your true artistic ability though. You have absolute, total control over how your print will come out. (If you are good at chemistry and very patient..........i'm getting better)
I love how so many folks on this board will complain about spending $7-$10 on some really good photo developing but, spend anywhere from $10-$100 on a nice little coral frag.:D I guess I do the same thing.;)