yeah in the earliar pics i had a sargaent............ I got rid of him 2 weeks ago so i could add more to the tank, he was just too agressive!!! My tank is much happier now
I have alot of those green ricordias on the rock I just got which appear to have 2 mouths... I believe this means that they are splitting... how long does this process take?
is that a sargent major in your tank. did u catch that in the wild or did u buy it. i had one i caught at the beach when it was about a quarter of an inch in size. it grow to about 2 inches befor i released good times XD
no i bought him in a store.... got rid of him about a month ago.... he is still at the fish store to date, he is mean as hell and is in a tank all by himself in the store the guys there give me crap all the time for taking him in!!!!!
Well its been awhile, lost my 2 tangs to ich, Still have 2 damsels and after some serious consideration I decided to get 1 clown grouper(leaflip) for my tank. I know they are aggressive, and I cant have shrimp, or other fish but I'm good with that. Any how here he is, his name is wyclef