Some new Pics - Shall we call it a 6-pack?


Active Member

Originally posted by neoreef
Really beautiful. What are your lights, balast, etc. Did you DIY?

The lighting is a VHO and Metal Halide Combo. I am running 4 x 110w URI VHO off of an IceCap 660 Ballast and 2 x 250 watt Metal Halides run off of a PFO Ballast.
The VHO are:
2 x Actinic 03 Bulbs
1 Aquasun Bulb
1 10,000k Bulb
Metal Halides are:
2 x XM 20,000k Bulbs
I did DIY most of the project but, I did have help from a couple fellow hobbiests for some of it.

nm reef

Active Member
Rye as always the pics are great....none better anywhere that I've seen. Your reef is looking very good also...I didn't know you were running the 20k' do you like them?


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
You should be a photographer, your pics are sweet every time.

Yeah Rye, have you ever thought about doing something with photograraphy?


Active Member
I can't say enough good about those XM 20k bulbs. I love them! The color is a perfect balance to make the corals glow and look natural at the same time.