Some of my old tanks


Active Member
So, you really think posting tank pics you got from a google search will gain you any credibility? Really??
Just kidding, your posts alone prove you have experience and that you should be considered a salty veteran. Your join date shows you have at least been around enough to learn through osmosis if nothing else.
Thanks for the pics!
I've seen 2 of your posts today mention Carolina Biological. They are one of our customers (we supply them packaging for their medical instruments). Their facility is about 4 miles from my office and I had no idea they sell live cultures. What an idiot. All this time I could have been dropping by on my way home to pick up rotifers, copepods, atremia, etc...


Active Member
Nice pics Snake. That 240g would have been awesome all filled up and grown out. Can't wait to see how the new tank goes.


Well-Known Member
Those are some beautiful pictures, thanks for and your wife make a good looking couple too.
It really is a shame when the computer crashes and does in the pictures. I lost a bunch too. All my good pictures of the 90g before the heater incident are lost except what was on the cellphone.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys and gals.
Slice - Yeah, they do. I wish I was that close to them! I need a nannocloropsis culture right now. I'll have to settle for some DT's Phyto for grow-out. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome! Glad you could see em' I almost couldn't find any of my old pics at all! I wish I had pics of my 90 when it was completely grown out. :(


New Member
Theres alot of cool stuff here and if you saw where i started a few years ago, well lets just say thank god the hobby is forgiving.


Well-Known Member

My favorite fish of all time, my yellow tang. I named her Maria.
She was like a little puppy dog, following me around everywhere.
RIP, 8-09


Awesome tanks man! You have/had your share of tanks through out your journey of saltwater fish!
Also, if I start a thread about Sumps, will you add a few words to educate me? Later on, when I am going to switch to a bigger tank, I want to make my 14G the sump.
Thanks man!

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/387762/some-of-my-old-tanks#post_3414244

This isn't a very good pic, but it's a 55g tank with two 250w metal halides. No water changes for a year before I took it down. All I had running on it was two aquaclear filters and a Coralife Super Skimmer 65g on it. I think I had a couple of Maxijet 900s or 1200s, I'm not sure. Yes, that is a deep sand bed. I put about 2" of crushed coral on the bottom, followed by 90 or so pounds of oolite sand. The system worked really well - No water changes for a year and everything was extremely healthy and growing very well.

By the way, this tank was started with TAP WATER. Don't gimme no fuss about starting tanks with tap water. I've done it.
I use rain water and then mix in the salt it works pretty well actually (D


Well-Known Member
Rain water is fine as long as you don't have any factories or mills around where you are. Unfortunately, that's the case where I live. You should probably still filter your rainwater before using it, at least through a 10micron filter and a DI unit just to be sure. Maybe that's why you have all that algae in your tank, RG?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by artemK http:///t/387762/some-of-my-old-tanks/20#post_3421639
Awesome tanks man! You have/had your share of tanks through out your journey of saltwater fish!
Also, if I start a thread about Sumps, will you add a few words to educate me? Later on, when I am going to switch to a bigger tank, I want to make my 14G the sump.
Thanks man!
Only if you are willing to learn! PM me when you're ready.