Some pics of my 210 with the new LR


Just added 200 pounds of LR today. The water has yet to clear up all the way, but man, does it make a difference from just have 100 pounds of LR in there. Some of those pieces are 1-1/2 feet accross, but look small in the tank! The tank itself is 7 feet long, and with the stand and canopy, it stands a little over 7 feet high.
<a href="" target="_blank">pic one</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">pic two</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">pic three</a>

salty rick

Man I wish I had the space for that size tank. Looks like you have the right amount of LR. I would say you have the basis for lots of neat corals and the fish will love the holes to swim around in. Keep us posted as you add to the things to your tank.


Active Member
Looks good, but looked like only the actinics were on. Why was everything so dark? It was hard to see, but it looked as if the canopy was cherry, if so, good choice.


As far as the lighting, the halides were off, and had two white and two super actinics running. The stand is actually solid mahogany with a cherry stain.


I love the tank, I just bought a cherry canopy for my 55 gallon I must say I love it. By the way I bought for $35.00!!!! Brand new. I checked for a price for the stand and i was like $260.00. If you dont mind how much $$$$ do you have in just the tank, stand and canopy?


Well, the stand and canopy were a custom job, solid red mahogany, crown molding on the canopy, etc... With staining and finishing it set me back right at $2100. The tank was $600.


that's a nice tank maury. is that the tank with the green algae prob? looks good to me. that stand is tight! :D


New Member
Please warn me about tanks like this before i look at the pics i have to go Clean the Cream out of my pants.
Great choice in wood BTW

nm reef

Active Member
That is an outstanding looking system, I especially like the overflows/returns...I assume you have a sump under there. How much volume is running the returns? Very clean and maintained looking system, makes me wanna jump into a larger system!
Thanks for the pics and keep us posted as it progresses. :cool:


Thanks NM. It's advice from folks like you that help make it clean. ;) I have a 75 gallon sump under the tank, large skimmer, cyclone 1/3 hp chiller. the return plumping is four fixed returns in the back with two 1 inch sea swirls in the front corners that you can only see the tips of the knobs, as the canopy sits an inch and a half down the top of the tank. THe return and the skimmer pump are two ampmaster 3000's. I run the return pump wide open, but had to dial back the skimmer pump as it drove the skimmer WAY to fast. Lighting is 4 VHO tubes and 3 250W Iwasaki 6500K MH. Controller with an Aquacontroller 2. Also with Calcium reactor. I have a refugium space in the sump, but it is not set up yet.
And Reefstarter, you said:
So Maury, What did u say u did for a living??
Oh thats right.. Rocket Scientist!
Huh? Sorry, but I am not a carpenter, and I was not going make a DIY stand to go in my Dining room. Solid mahogony is twice the cost of oak/pine or other woods used to make stands. Plus, no local carpenters where I live would take on the liability of an aquarium stand that would hold this much weight. I wanted a piece of furniture, not just something functional. Why so rude? And sorry if you didn't mean to be, It just looked that way to me.


Active Member
Maury, I still love the tank, but I think Reef Starter was joking, saying rocket scientists make some dough, and was just saying that it seemed expensive. IMO, it was worth it!
Sorry Maury.. I was joking.. I was talking out of envy.. meaning I WISH I COULD AFFORD SOMETHING LIKE THAT! Sorry u took it the wrong way.. No harm meant... :cool:

ed r

It is a very beautiful setup. I love the rock. Doing it right like that should make the maintenance easier. I was always afraid of how much difficult, physical work such a large tank would be. Good luck with it.


Sorry Reef, I read it the wrong way. Had a run in with someone who was a carpenter on another board who razzed me for spending money like that on a stand. (and he's the kind of guy I support by do that! LOL!) I should have known better, I have read some of your other posts, and you didn't strike me as the kind of person to make smart-ass remarks like that! Again, MUCH apologies for reading that wrong! And BTW, I'm a physician, not a rocket scientist. ;)