Some Products and Advice for New Salt Hobbyist


Active Member
Jason, you have a lot to learn. I dont believe you kept freshwater fish for years and years and never lost a fish. That's impossible we all loose fish from time to time. it is evident that you'reexperience in any fishkeeping is not what you claim. Or you would have a better understanding of ICK. I have kept FW fish for years and years and have lost several fish. Yes, mostly to stupid mistakes, but also to misshaps and age etc. I recently converted last year to SW and would not have had the success I have had if not for the helpfull advise from the wonderful people on this board, too many too name, (though I would like to give a special "you go girl" to Ophiura after reading a certain recent post) the same people you choose to Dis here. In a little while you will be asking these same people for advise to help with you're dying anenome, will they help, mostly yes. Why, because they love the hobby. Success is not measered any ANY aquarium keeping in 2 weeks. Which, is how long this tank has been setup, if I'm not mistaken.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Jason, you have a lot to learn. I dont believe you kept freshwater fish for years and years and never lost a fish. That's impossible we all loose fish from time to time. it is evident that you'reexperience in any fishkeeping is not what you claim. Or you would have a better understanding of ICK. I have kept FW fish for years and years and have lost several fish. Yes, mostly to stupid mistakes, but also to misshaps and age etc. I recently converted last year to SW and would not have had the success I have had if not for the helpfull advise from the wonderful people on this board, too many too name, (though I would like to give a special "you go girl" to Ophiura after reading a certain recent post) the same people you choose to Dis here. In a little while you will be asking these same people for advise to help with you're dying anenome, will they help, mostly yes. Why, because they love the hobby. Success is not measered any ANY aquarium keeping in 2 weeks. Which, is how long this tank has been setup, if I'm not mistaken.


1) Don't add too much at one time, lesson 1 that I learned.
Very Very true and I whole heartedly agree
2) Cycling a tank does NOT take 4-6 weeks unless you do it the old fashioned way. Get yourself 100% live sand and quite a few live rock, then use this stuff Please do not post products or links It literally does what it says, it did for me. Still after it is cycled, only put a couple of clowns or something in and give it a week or so.
*there are products out there that will induce the bacteria cultures to start off thats needed to get a tank started on its cycle The one thing you fail to mention is that a cycle isnt just the bacteria growth its stabilization of the system which doesnt occur with a fast cycle produce and can and will cause problems in the long run. fully cured LR and LS along with bacteria starts from fellow reefers tanks help this process of bacteria cycle out much quicker but the stabilizing takes time it is NEVER instant!!*
3) I had ich for the first time from the LFS store's fish they sold me. One died and I noticed the other one had it. So last night I went out to PetSmart and found something that is safe for Coral and Inverts called "Ich Attack". It is 100% natural and everyone on this board seems to think it's a hoax. Well the fish that I have was eat up with ich. I put the dose in last night, woke up this morning and the fish had no ich. Is the ich gone? probably not, that is why I will continue to treat for a few days, but regardless, great great stuff.
**with these products a quick fix may cause massive problems later the one and only thing that gurantees a fish to stay ich free is not to introduce it in the first place QT comes in handy to take care of this*
4) Anenomes and live rock do not need a 1000.00 lighting system unless you have a 100% reef tank. I have a few anenomes, zoos, etc. and I put in the 15000 CoralLife bulb, everything is doing fine, all for 16 bucks in the normal strip.
** made this mistake when I first setup a tank If you take these same corals that you have under this 16$ light and frag it put one under that light and one under high intensity and propper lighting you will see a major difference in color and size- if you think that 16$ dollar light recreates the sun which corals need to live then you are very very wrong* I have kept a BTA under this light and I can tell you it lived but it didnt thrive and it didnt grow like it should have*


5) Overcrowding. Yes this is extremely possible, especially at startup. But in my 30 gallon, I cannot see having 2 fish for the duration. Granted I won't have 10, but it is small thinking to think that is all you can have. I would say probably 5 at the most (small fish) and you will be fine. Some people think you have to have some 500 gallon tank to have a tang or something. I have no tangs in my 30, but they are fine in a 55, one granted.
** there is one or 2 tangs that can live in a 55 gallon tank for a time happily depending on size but they still get rather larger for a 55 and it is recomended to buy fish for the tank at full adult size not the current size!! thats the misconception that gets a lot of people into trouble. Kinda like bamboo sharks when they are born they are small but get larger rather quickly so why put them in a small tank and hope to upgrade later get the right size tank to start or buy fish that wont outgrow the tank in the first place!!!!!! **
6) There are some very knowledgeable people on this board, but then again there are some that have no clue what they are talking about. The ones who do are few and far between. I mean no offense to anyone with that statement, but some are older and set in their ways about how things were done 30 years ago. Things change and time changes. When in doubt do some research and study for yourself.
** there are always new trends popping up but I would rather use a method that has a proven track record instead of risking my fish and corals. Now do I ever get newer equipment absolutely!! do I jump on the bandwagon on a new Idea or product abslutely not there are to many things that can go wrong and there are so many times a product is pulled from the shelf because it really doesnt work and there is NO regulations on these products so its a buyer beware on them. I do agree get several answers before makeing the best decsion for yourself and tank but be ready to accept the consequences when you wait for the answer that you want to hear and it back fires and you kill your fish or worse the tank!!!!!!
i will get off my soap box now I have lost fish and corals over the years and I probably will still lose them in future even though I try to take every precation not to does this make me an expert absolutely not BUT my tank is doing very well and thriving. You wil notice alot of the people that say Hey look at what I am doing and its aganst everyone else's experience usually dont post alot of pics of there tanks to back up what they say and I am not saying this is the case here but I and most of the mods and other OLD fastioned folks will post pictures readily of new arrivals changes to their tanks and just general shots or like me wil post a picture of corals that are being talked about in the thread to show what coral we are talking about for reference and an idea of what they are supposed to look like.


Active Member
Just wanted to note that the original poster has not participated in his thread in 4 days now. Nor has he posted any pics of his "success".


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Just wanted to note that the original poster has not participated in his thread in 4 days now. Nor has he posted any pics of his "success".
Well since you didn't take the time to look in the pictures part, then here is the video. Success is an understatement. I would say slam dunk is more like it.
Tank Video - 24 hour cycle


Active Member
Originally Posted by jason490
Well since you didn't take the time to look in the pictures part, then here is the video. Success is an understatement. I would say slam dunk is more like it.
Tank Video - 24 hour cycle
What does the video prove?


Active Member
I just can't wait til this guy is on here in a week or a month or whenever asking for someone to tell him why his anenome or all of his fish are dying.
Guy comes out of nowhere and starts hammering away for no good reason....If you don't like this forum, then leave,,, Bye Bye now.
Believe me when I say, no one will miss ya!

by the way here is a link to his amazing success with his "miracle in a bottle"


Originally Posted by hot883
What does the video prove?
It shows the tank has not been set up very long. small fish, no coraline alge, no clean up crew.
Love the link Joncat24. What a joke.


Active Member
All fish dead, Completely Confused

Hello Everyone,
I have a huge problem. I have a 28g bow front setup with about 2-3 inch live sand substrate, the carib sea type. I have one live rock with some polyps and other stuff on it. In the tank were 1 purple tang, 3 small clowns, 1 small maroon clown, 3 blue damsels, and a horseshoe crab. These fish were doing fine and eating for about 2 days so tonight I decided to turn the light off to give them some rest, within 15 minutes all were dead. Gasping like they didn't have air and laying on their sides. Almost immediate death.
I checked PH, nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia, all were 0 and PH was 8.3
I am at a total loss here. Any ideas?
Here is the text from this post. I believe it belongs here, so the newbees can see without having to jump to it.
I am one of those who sometimes go a little against the grain here, whatever works for you. BUT the advise you are giving is based on ZERO experience. And you are producing it as if you are an expert in SW fishkeeping. And as if the experts here are idiots. Let me tell you that the rules are not the same in this hobby. No way, No sir. I believe there are ways to shorten the cycle, but is it something I would swear by to a newbee. No way, No sir. I might help someone who believes they can do it and is wanting to try. But I sure dont wanna be responsible for their 400 dollar loss.
The thing is that ICK was introduced to you're tank. And it is still present there. It will resurface at some time. You're anenomes are surely gonna starve to death. I tried to explain this to a newbee who had zenia under a 23 watt flourescent in his 29 gallon and he didnt listen and now they have died. He will be buying new lighting before any more corals. Will I be helping you when you need help in the future.



Originally Posted by jason490
Hey Everyone,
Well I have been in the fish game for many many years, but saltwater was always a thorn in my side. Well thankfully, technology has come a long way in recent years. I posted for the first time about losing all my fish in a brand new tank, my water was perfect. Come to find out, the LFS store lost the whole shipment, so I do not know if it was my freshly started tank, or the guys fish. Either way, here are some suggestions. I know I will get flamed on this , but it has worked for me.
1) Don't add too much at one time, lesson 1 that I learned.
2) Cycling a tank does NOT take 4-6 weeks unless you do it the old fashioned way. Get yourself 100% live sand and quite a few live rock, then use this stuff Please do not post products or links
It literally does what it says, it did for me. Still after it is cycled, only put a couple of clowns or something in and give it a week or so.
3) I had ich for the first time from the LFS store's fish they sold me. One died and I noticed the other one had it. So last night I went out to PetSmart and found something that is safe for Coral and Inverts called "Ich Attack". It is 100% natural and everyone on this board seems to think it's a hoax. Well the fish that I have was eat up with ich. I put the dose in last night, woke up this morning and the fish had no ich. Is the ich gone? probably not, that is why I will continue to treat for a few days, but regardless, great great stuff.
4) Anenomes and live rock do not need a 1000.00 lighting system unless you have a 100% reef tank. I have a few anenomes, zoos, etc. and I put in the 15000 CoralLife bulb, everything is doing fine, all for 16 bucks in the normal strip.
5) Overcrowding. Yes this is extremely possible, especially at startup. But in my 30 gallon, I cannot see having 2 fish for the duration. Granted I won't have 10, but it is small thinking to think that is all you can have. I would say probably 5 at the most (small fish) and you will be fine. Some people think you have to have some 500 gallon tank to have a tang or something. I have no tangs in my 30, but they are fine in a 55, one granted.
6) There are some very knowledgeable people on this board, but then again there are some that have no clue what they are talking about. The ones who do are few and far between. I mean no offense to anyone with that statement, but some are older and set in their ways about how things were done 30 years ago. Things change and time changes. When in doubt do some research and study for yourself.
Okay, dont kill me for digging up a 2 month old thread.
BUT - this stuff does work, this company is the greatest.
Try it before you knock it.


Active Member
This thread should be cleaned up and while there is alot to learn, Its has been whipped like a deadhorse. Strong statements were made I for sure, but it was just an exited newbie. Most likley now so embarrassed he wont be back.
I of all people butt heads and disagree with many on this board. Some of you I butt heads with on several other boards too. But The above is more like a henhouse than actually trying to help the kid. Part of being the senior or advice giver is knowing that take it or leave it its up to them. Not just to bash them for using botted magic cures or being over exited. I read the same tall tales and bravado that everyone else does in the above postings but what ever happened to seeing someone just agreeing with a statement.
It is not being the bigger person driving it home 10 times how the guy is wrong. Jumping on the bandwagon to a question that has been answered in detail several times before, to me at least reads a bit mean spirited.
I know most on this board and I dont poke at any individuals, just as a group we did wrong to this newbie in my opinion. I remember when this thread was going on and after I read a post or two, I just moved on figuring there wasnt anything else constructive to give. Ok now I am annoying myself with my own grandstanding on my soapbox so Ill just walk away and you all know exactly my message I am so inarticulatly trying to get say...............

bang guy

I try my best to not bash any hobbiest for using whatever they wish. However, when they begin to push products or techniques that I know are unproven (or proven to be useless) I tend to step in. This isn't to try to coerce the hobbiest into doing it my way, it's to attempt to give other new hobbiests information from the other side.
Can you cycle a tank in 24 hours and end up with a healthy tank?
Yes you can, it has been done. The odds are not in your favor and are very much against you right off the bat.
Can you jump off of Niagara Falls unprotected and swim to shore healthy and unharmed?
Yes you can, it has been done. The odds are not in your favor and are very much against you right off the bat.


Hi guys :)
WOW, interesting thread tho, for this newbie. I am definately going to get a quarantine tank beore I buy ANYTHING else. Especially since I want to go reef, but I have questions regarding that in the newbie forum.
It is titled Dangers of go answer those for me too ok,


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I try my best to not bash any hobbiest for using whatever they wish. However, when they begin to push products or techniques that I know are unproven (or proven to be useless) I tend to step in. This isn't to try to coerce the hobbiest into doing it my way, it's to attempt to give other new hobbiests information from the other side.
Can you cycle a tank in 24 hours and end up with a healthy tank?
Yes you can, it has been done. The odds are not in your favor and are very much against you right off the bat.
Can you jump off of Niagara Falls unprotected and swim to shore healthy and unharmed?
Yes you can, it has been done. The odds are not in your favor and are very much against you right off the bat.
Nice little analogy there, Bang.