Some really nice fish for a reef?


Hey guys could you please name me a few realy nice fish for a reef setup with acros and softies and lotsa inverts.
Really want to add something with colour and charater to my tank.
Thanks guys


Active Member
Clowns (only one species per tank), gobys, tang (if tank big enough), reef-safe wrasses....the list goes on. What size tank and we can go from there.


how about for my 125g? i dont wanna steal the thread heheheh but im on same page... i want a blue hippo tang and a yellow and 2 percs....... i want a manderin but im having troubles finding a pod in my tank let alone 1000000000 of them


Active Member
Some that have not been listed, firefish, chromis, bleenies, and cardinal fish.


Active Member
I agree, we need the size tank to get a better Idea.
Michael's "A pocket guide to..." is a great book to look through and get an idea of what fish you might want.


bright reef dwelers...strawberry gramma , royal gramma , false perks , sixline wrasse, manderin , chromis , yellow tang , blue tangs.


Its a 5ft 100Gallon reef with 1 Regal tang, 1 Yellow mimic angel, 1 copperband butterfly, 1 six line wrasse, 1 banna wrasse, 2 goldhead gobies + Lotsa inverts and acros and clams, lotsa hardcorals and only a few sofies.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Lamaface
well i didn' expect that but hey... How much fish per gallon in a reef tank?
Thanks Bang!!!
The general guideline is to take the average adult size of the fish you have and multiply by 5. The nature of the fish needs to be taken into consideration as well. You have a lot of energetic fish that like their space, especially the Tang.
I get 26 when I add up your fish and that comes to 130 gallons. If you added some small docile fish I'm sure you'd be fine but that doesn't seem to be what you're looking for. IMO adding another large show fish would make your system unstable.


Thanks guys for all your help!!!
Greatly appreciated and wouldve probs bought another tang or summink wit out it!
I think i'll got for a Sunrise Dottyback or a Magneta dottyback as they are quite small and very colourful! Thanks for the help guys! Or maybe no dottybacks as they are agrresive but rather some small Green Reef Chromis. They are small and loving and cute so im sure i could put them in?
Could i put dottyback species or should i just stick to some peaceful chromis?
Thanks again for the help guys!!!! :)


I agree...
I really am in love with Pseudochromis fridmani and as i live in South Africa the red sea is just up the eastern coast so they are readily available. From what research ive done these fish seem quite hardy... They also seem to be compatible with everything in my tank....Would you recommend that i try this really sexy fish?