hello again :joy:
yeah i guess the only way to figure your camera out is just keep takin some pics and see how they come out in different settings.....
sucks about the live rock..... yours is so pricy out there i cant believe it.... well what you are looking for is already been cured live rock.... you can get uncured live rock but u will have to have it set in a tub with some salt water for a week or so until all the die off has happened then u will need to do a rinse on it .... ive always boiugh pre-cured live rock from my stores and have added straight to my tank without having a problem....
yeah once u start getting different animals u have to get various food since each one kinda needs a different diet.... as for my anemones a feed them twice a week when i feed the corals.... i feed them either squid chunks or krill....my RBTA's are easy to feed the tomato clown that i have all i have to do is drop a krill or piece of squid in the tank and he grabs it and takes it back to the anemone to feed it.... the LTA's i use a skewer stick that i put the piece of squid/krill on and touch it to there tentacles and they pull it off the stick.....
as far as a calcium test u only need to check for calcium really if u decided to keep hard corals something with a calcium skeletal base.... soft corals such as colt/polyps/shrooms/xenia/etc dont need calcium really.... but its always good to keep it at the proper level anyways .....
what kind of fish do u have right now?? :notsure: u should also include some vitamin enriched mysid shrimp and some type of algae based formula food.... these help maintain there vibrant colors and good health.... regular brine shrimp doesnt provide enough nutrients for a fish after a while.....
as for adding chemicals to your tank u shouldnt really have to add much in terms of trace elements unless u have a lot of corals in your tank that suck it out of the water fast.... i only add the 2 part alk calcium buffer to my tank and i only do a dose every sunday just to ensure that i keep the trace elements in the water system.....
i know what u mean about being able to talk fish with people that actually understand and give advice.... ever since i got my new comp and went back online i have been a lot more succesful with my tank since i have been able to ask a lot of informative people on this site about proper conditions feeding etc etc etc.....
i hope i have been able to help a lil bit....