Some type of worm


New Member
I have had these in my tank for some time, I'm not sure if they are good or bad. Recently they have multiplied a lot and there are to many for comfort. They generally come out when the light is out, but these have gotten brave and are on the glass, rocks and sand in mid-day.
The reason I worry now is because I felt my tank was established well enough to grow corals. My water quality according to the LFS is absolutely amazing, and I get the same readings with my test. The problem is, with the proper care and lighting, the coral dies for no apparent reason. I brought this up to the guys at the store and they blame the worms. I figured you all collectively are way more knowledgeable than them, and would value your opinion on if these are bad or not.

Sorry, the pic is big, but I know clarity helps. Its about 2 inches long, and there's much bigger in my tank.


Good old bristleworms....believe it or not they are good...they eat detrius and stuff...just DON'T touch them...their bristles will sting you


New Member
So they dont eat coral right? Ive kept them in there as long as I have because Ive read here that most species are okay.


Originally Posted by Paradigm
So they dont eat coral right? Ive kept them in there as long as I have because Ive read here that most species are okay.
Not unless they are extra hungry
LOL....I'm joking
NOOOOO..they do not eat coral....


New Member
You, have made me a very happey person, thank you very much. I guess Im off to see why I cant sustain corals now... ahh