
Vladamir--My first--R.I.P.

Bambi our 9 year old 37 inch tall female.

Aiden--My boy---Staring at a cat.
Take 'em off the Iams. Not a fan, used to be real good food about 15 years ago till Mars Corp bought them out and started manufacturing it in plants in China and substituting Ingredients.
I feed mine Fromms. cost twice as much roughly, but I only feed about 5.5 cups a day.
Dogfoodanalysis.com is a great reference website for dog food. stick with the foods rated 5-6 stars and you will see a difference.
Zukes can't be found in the big box stores usually...try the smaller stores/ boutiques. Switch the food and you won't need the fish oil supplement. If you want to supplement with anything give them coconut oil...beneficial in more ways than I care to go over. Not cooking Coconut oil, but oure unrefined cocnut oil...probably find it in a whole foods type store.