Someone help please


My fake clown fish is not swimming around much he acts like his bottom fins can't move :notsure: .Could someone please tell me what they think might be wrong with him,he was doing fine yesterday now he is acting like this
.Thanks in advance Melisa

sinner's girl

1. label title so that is says what you want, like clown fish swimming funny or something.
2. give water levels whenever something is wrong, we can't help you without knowing stuff about your setup.
Am? Nitrates? Nitrates? Ph? SG? CA? temp? has there been any change in sg or temp?
size tank?
how long had tank been set up?
current fish?
when was clown added?
is he eatting?
what are you feeding the fish?
last water change?
is there another fish/invert who is bothering him?
anything else you can tell us? The more we know, the better we can help. but just saying, help, my clown's not swimming, doesn't help us any.
Edit: give us more than ten minutes to respond and don't expect an answer when you haven't given us any information to work with. Give me some infor and I can try to help you out, but without knowing anything, then I have no idea what's wrong with the clown.
btw, keep your lights off, it'll stress the fish less when there's a problem.

sinner's girl

no problem, that why I gave the suggestion, but I/we still need info to help you. Can you answer the questions in my first post? Then I/we can try to help you figure out what's wrong with your clown.
btw, did you see my edit about turning off the lights?

sinner's girl

:notsure: Are you no longer having a problem? Just bumped it fast, but didn't reply with any info.
Test your water, see if anything is off to stress the fish,
See if any other fish is bother him
If the fish is new, how did you acclimate him? that could be it.
if you've added any fish since him, did you QT them?

If your still looking for a 55gallon tank I would be interested in selling mine. It is a thriving FreshWater Cichlid tank. Wasnt sure if you'd be interested in it or not thought I'd ask. If so email me at I live very close to FT. Knox KY.


Sinners girl my clown fish and yello tang died this morning just upset about it right now my damsel fish is still alive though


We NEED your water parameters. We can't help you with anything if we don't have that, and DON'T add anything else to your tank until we figure out what's wrong...
You had a yellow tang? in a 20 gallon tank??? :scared: :scared: :scared: That's most likely the cause of death for him, as tangs get stressed out in small tanks (they need a LOT of swimming room). Also, were there any signs of ich (white spots on the fish)? Please answer all of sinner_girls' questions asap!!!

sinner's girl

jdragunas, thatnks for the back up. Lets see, just by what I know now, yellow tang most likely was stress, damsels and or clown could have been picking on him, plus 20gl is way to small (min is 75 or larger). But, you never gave me your tank size, I'm just going by what jdragunas said.
But you still need to test your water so your damsel doesn't die. How long were the clown and tang dead in the tank? dead fish can cause an ammonia spike, which will start a mini-cycle and may kill anything in your tank.
Please test your water and post the results.


maybe she doesn't want help anymore :notsure: ??? I don't know it's a 20g, but that's the tank size it says on her profile...


Hello everyone sorry so late of replying haven't been on,Yes I have a 20 gallon tank,all my testing is reading fine.I had my clown fish and damsel for 4 months,the yellow tang I had for only a month.The damsel fish doesn't mess with any of the other fish that I have seen of I do know that my clown fish fought with the Damsel fish all the time.I woke this morning to see the Yellow Tang already dead and the clown fish was still alive but lying on it's side.My temperature is fine the salt level is fine.I do have another ? though what makes the Yello Tangs color go pale looking?I did notice that yesterday that he was like a light yellow instead of being very bright yellow.I appreciate everyones help on this but please understand that I haven't been on for awhile son is sick was not ignoring any of you all,Oh yeah I said that I was new and someone wanted to know how new I am I have only been doing the salt water tanks for probably 5 months still learning stuff.Thanks again for everyone that replyed to this you all are awesome


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
jdragunas, thatnks for the back up. Lets see, just by what I know now, yellow tang most likely was stress, damsels and or clown could have been picking on him, plus 20gl is way to small (min is 75 or larger). But, you never gave me your tank size, I'm just going by what jdragunas said.
But you still need to test your water so your damsel doesn't die. How long were the clown and tang dead in the tank? dead fish can cause an ammonia spike, which will start a mini-cycle and may kill anything in your tank.
Please test your water and post the results.
Sinners girl thanks soo much,I really don't know how long they have been dead I just know that I got up this morning and they both were dead


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
1. label title so that is says what you want, like clown fish swimming funny or something.
2. give water levels whenever something is wrong, we can't help you without knowing stuff about your setup.
Am? Nitrates? Nitrates? Ph? SG? CA? temp? has there been any change in sg or temp?
size tank?
how long had tank been set up?
current fish?
when was clown added?
is he eatting?
what are you feeding the fish?
last water change?
is there another fish/invert who is bothering him?
anything else you can tell us? The more we know, the better we can help. but just saying, help, my clown's not swimming, doesn't help us any.
Edit: give us more than ten minutes to respond and don't expect an answer when you haven't given us any information to work with. Give me some infor and I can try to help you out, but without knowing anything, then I have no idea what's wrong with the clown.
btw, keep your lights off, it'll stress the fish less when there's a problem.
All my readings are coming up fine did a water change 2 weeks ago ,I have no live rock,clown didn't eat anything yesterday he acted like he couldn't get to the top,I have been feeding the fish some flake foods that have Brine Shrimp in it the take has been set up for 5 months


Active Member
You need to post the readings. What you think is "fine" may not be fine. If your fish are dying, your water isn't fine. Are you testing for all the things mentioned?
FYI, tangs will turn pale when the lights are off and color back up once they are on.