New Member
im new to this hobby and my tank is 5 week old the other day i put a firetail fish in the tank 2 days later i noticed it had beem attacked and had the bottom half of its tail missing. then the next day i found it dead on the bottom of my tank. i have also lost a cleaner shrimp. i have had my water tested and that is all fine. in my tank i have 2 clownfish 2 green/blue cromis 2 cleaner shrimp 1 pepper shrimp 2 emerald crabs and 3 hermit crabs. do u think i could have a hitch hiker like a mantis shrimp or pistail shrimp? and if so any good ideas on getting it out i have heard the only thing to do is stay up at night and watch for it. then find were it is and kill it or remove the live rock it is in.