Something has spawned in my reef tank


This afternoon while I was sitting in front of the tank I noticed some very tiny little white "things" moving in the current on the surface of the water. I turned off the pumps so I could get a better look when the water stopped moving. It appears that I have a 100 or so very small things that almost look like white mosquito larvea (by the way they hang down and move up and down from the surface of the water). They are hanging down from the surface and they are alive because they will twitch and move around but seem to like to stay hanging from the surface. They are too small for me to get a clear picture of with my camera.
The only things in my tank are a couple hermits, a couple of smails, 1 peppermit shrimp several stomatellas and other assorted critters that came with the live rock.
I also have a few mushrooms, zoos and xenia, but not fish in the tank.
Any ideas what they might be? :notsure:
thanks for your help


No, they are defiently not bubbles, they actually do remind me of very little fish fry but they are hanging down from the surface like mosquito larvea. They twitch and wiggle and move down in the water but then return to the surface again. If I had any fish in this tank I would think they were actually fry but there are not fish in this tank.
Any other ideas anyone?


Here are the best pictures I can get of these things. I took these pics with the pump off and no water movement.



Im would think that if your water flow was good anything on the surface should be "skimmed" off in a few seconds.


I am sure that they are getting skimmed off as there are much fewer of them left this morning as there were yesterday. I was really just curious as to which creature in my tank had spawned these little things. I didn't know and was hoping if one of the seasoned reef folks on here had had one of their crabs or shrimp spawn and would recognize them. I am very new to reef tanks and have never seen these before.
thanks again for any and all help