Something is eating all my shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't figure it out but I have put three coral bandits, two peppermints and three cleaners in my tanks in the last three months and they are all gone!!!!!!!!!!
My local fish store thinks it is one of my tangs or my infamous sally lightfoots! :thinking: Know I can't find my long tentacle Anemone and I think he did it!!!!!! :mad: :mad: He has been hiding for a couple of weeks Maybe he feels guilty and doesn't want to show his tentacles! :thinking:


Active Member
my lta has not touched of my shrimps, also when I have had tangs alive they have never touched my shrimps either
I have 1 peppermint
2 cleaner
2 dancing shrimp


Do you have an Arrow Crab by any chance?? My LTA has never bothered any of my shrimps!!


Active Member
Do you have any bristle stars? Serpent stars? I found one eating my shrimp a few months ago... It was probrably dead when the star began eating it. I also have a Coral Banded Shrimp he is very territorial and will attack other shrimp. What other fish are in your tank? Do you have Live Rock? How long did you have them before they died?


Active Member
My bet goes to.... your 'coral bandits' as you put it (I love your name for it and will call them this from now on!).
I think your coral bandits ate ALL the other shrimp you had in there... then died due to over feeding ;)
The shrimp 'should' know better than to jump into a anemone (mine do).


Active Member
Also the cleaner shrimp as hardy as people TELL you they are.. they really are fragile.. they coulda just died due to your salinity changing too quickly for them or improper acclimation.. some people have NO problem keeping these.. though some have problems.. I myself have gone through 3 and will not get another.. (60 dollars wasted).


I wondered about mantis too...
My coral banded shrimp doesn't seem to bother my skunk or fire shrimp, but we added a perpermint a few days ago and have not seen him since...
My skunk shrimp seems to have a special relationship with our looks like he cleans it. Now he's dancing in and around it all the time...


Active Member
not a camel shrimp- they are not reef safe- I mean a true dancing shrimp
red with white spots and the tails turns upward and hangs over the shrimps head.
THen the dancing, as the tail goes back and forth really fast.


As far as inverts go, i have:
1 coralbanded
1 arrow crab
3 peppermint shimp
2 cleaner shrimp
2 camelback shrimp
1 sally lightfoot
1 brittle star
1 serpeant start
And they all get along just fine. If one gets to0 close to the coralbanded or arrow crab then they get chased away but thats about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
not a camel shrimp- they are not reef safe- I mean a true dancing shrimp
red with white spots and the tails turns upward and hangs over the shrimps head.
THen the dancing, as the tail goes back and forth really fast.
Do they look like this?Common name:sexy shrimp..proper name:Thor amboinensis
I do have brittle star fish two of them and a tiger seepent star. :thinking: The one serpent has been in my tank for a while but the other tiger and serpent was just added a couple of days ago.
I'm thinking it's the serpent star! :thinking: I wiill keep a close eye on him! :eek:


Active Member
What color are they, and what do you feed them? Fwiw, never assume this is the final answer. Shrimp can die for other reasons and the brittlestars would eat them. What concerns me is that you have had so many die...I would not eliminate water quality or acclimation or some other issue at this time. The brittlestars, IMO, would have to be rather large, and their disk would be hugely distended. To eat a CBS, IMO, would probably cause a hole in the disk in all except very large brittlestars. Those are big shrimp.
I have never had problems keeping shrimp. I have two in my ten gallon hexagon. I do a 20% water cahnge every week in the 125 gallon and I make sure the salinity never drops I keep it he same and my ph is always 8.2 no trace of nitrates either. The more I think about it I didn't have trouble until the brittle star was added. :thinking: They serpent star is about twelve inches across abd the brittles are about 8 across. :yes: