Sooooo, King Kong, Whos Seen It?


Active Member
I saw it about 2 weeks ago while i was in El Paso, Texas. It was 3 hours long, but i LOVED it!!!!! I also bought the PS2 game and that is great also.
Tell me what you thought about it, and what was your favorite part. And if you arent going to see it, tell me why.
:cheer: :cheer: :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
I seen it 2 times on the IMAX and boy did I LOVE that movie!!! Too emotional though. I got the xbox game for christmas and that is fuuuuuun!!!! :joy: My favorite part.....everything besides the begining (just to boring). My favorite part was when they were on Skull Island. But it was too emotional, i think i shedded a tear
. The movie was just the right amount of length i think.

5/5 stars


i saw it and it was amazing. To anyone who is going to see it and doesnt like to miss parts of movies either dont get a drink or a very small one.
Excellent one again but they could of made the trip to the island a bit shorter, and those island people freaked me out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tome
and those island people freaked me out.
That bug who ate that guys head freaked me out :scared: But it would be cool to have that bug for a pet


Active Member
yep saw it. 2 potty stops !! ***)

They could have cut about 10 minutes easily out of that move. The fight between Kong and the dinos and the dino chase scene when they are all running AND the buggy scene.
I thought they played those a few minutes too long.
Otherwise we loved it.
Fun with ---- and Jane was funny too


Active Member
king kong would have to be the worst movie i have ever seen, for most of the movie it was boring as anything, it was like watching paint dry, not to mention jack black did not fit that character what so ever, the bad far out weighed the good in this movie, overall rating 2 out of 5 stars and the only reason it got 2 was because of the special effects


Active Member
lol, yeah i got this huge drink and popcorn in preparation for he long movie. only later did i realize that i should have done the opposite! LOL, 1 bathroom break, and a sprint out of the theatre at the end for the bathroom lol!
i agree the beginning was a bit slow, but it picked up fast! ACTION PACKED!!!!
those people were terrifying, they were crazy.
the big fight against kong and the rex was great, but i have to say i cringed when he snapped the jaw backward!
the end was soooooo sad, i have to admit i got a little teary!
i beat the game about 10 minutes ago, it was very fun!
I LOVED THE MOVIE!!!!! 200 stars!!

ps, ***) and
<-- a big no no in this movie!


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
king kong would have to be the worst movie i have ever seen, for most of the movie it was boring as anything, it was like watching paint dry, not to mention jack black did not fit that character what so ever, the bad far out weighed the good in this movie, overall rating 2 out of 5 stars and the only reason it got 2 was because of the special effects
:scared: People like you are NOT excepted in this world


Staff member
It was the best version so far, and I have seen all them. This was a remake of the orginal...which was really boring.
This version was outstanding.


Active Member
I went and saw it at a VIP room at a cinemark theater, Leather reclining seats in a private theater that seats about 50 people. A full bar to order from and a waiter that brings you food and drinks during the movie, very good appetizers and free refills on soda, and a private bathroom very close so you don't miss much. The ONLY way to see King Kong. I thought it was a great movie, sure it was a bit sappy in a few parts and they could have cut a few parts, but it was fun and you certainly get your money's worth.
As a former zookeeper, I think they did a fantastic job with making the Gorilla very realistic.


Active Member
i know! i think kong looked very real. i want to go see the movie on IMAX. but ill have to drive up to raleigh. i loved the movie, the old ones were good, but this one was fantastic!!!


Active Member
man this movie was boring as anything, it was like watching paint dry, now if you want to see a good movie go and see hostel


Active Member
very good ones in a matter of fact, crash, march of the penguins, walk the line, cinderella man, movies like that which are good in acting and dont rely on special effects


Active Member
i loved cinderella man and million dollar baby, except for the end. some of my other favorites are the green mile, simon birch, i am sam, and remember the titans


Active Member
the ending to cindrella man was the greatest thing ever how could you not like the ending,i can understand million dollar baby but not cinderella man


Active Member
movies like that which are good in acting and dont rely on special effects
Okay the movie was King Kong, the whole point of this movie was special effects, if you didn't like it that is fine, but you have to admit the special effects were really good, and if that is the point of the movie then they did a good job. I agree those movies you listed were all very good movies, but they were DRAMAS, movies in which the story and the acting are the point of the movie.
I didn't think the acting was that bad, Jack Black didn't really fit the part to me (And I love jack black), but other than him it was fine.