Southdown in Cincinnatti !!


I know there are some Cincinnatti Reefers out there, and if you are looking for Southdown, I'm told (by the Southdown rep for Ohio), that it is being sold at Sharon Nursery in northern Cinci, towards Mason. I have no idea where that's at, but thought I would pass it along. He also said that tons of customers have contacted him about sand, but can't seem to find stores that want to carry it. If you own a store, this is your opportunity.
AquaScapes in Kalamazoo is the only place in Michigan so far..... come on Detroit area, let's go....


Ya, I bought 200 lbs there. Real nice couple run the place.
I had the contact number from the bag and thought I would give them a call to see if they had a nationwide list of sales locations for everyone that is looking. I ended up getting hooked up with the Michigan/Ohio guy and he said AquaScapes ( and Sharon Nursery in Cinci. He says he hopes to have it in the Detroit area by Christmas. Nurserys or Home Depot are your best bet. All in all I talked to three different people at SouthDown and they were all very nice and helpful. The company headquarters confirmed that they had been bought out by a larger company (name slips my mind, I will edit when I figure it out) and that they are looking to expand their markets and will be entering the Pacific Northwest very soon. They hope to be nationwide in the next few years.
Just had the info, so I thought I would pass it on.



Originally posted by iceburger
you live in cinci and don't know where mason is?

It's right next to Dixon isn't it?? ;)
No, I live in Michigan and have never been to Cinci. I looked all over the tri-state area to see who had it, only to find that a rebel store right in my own town carrys it (AquaScapes), so I'm all set. Just ran across the info and thought I would pass it along.
The contact number for the SouthDown headquarters is 1-800-526-1753. I pressed 1 for sales, left a message, and they called me back the next morning. Very nice people. They will almost certainly give you the number of your local distributor.
Good Luck.


Thanks alot, the way, you never did my pic on the "people behind the posts" thread. Now, be nice...I'm very


Active Member
Hey KS reefers - I called and talked ot a customer service rep - they don't have any this farwest unless Home Depot orders some out here :(
They do sell to stores by the truckload this far west - it would be 1120 bags per truck (minimum 1 truck load) and it would be yardright so it woudl be 40 lbs a bag - that is 44,800 pounds of sand - or enough sand to give Arrowhead stadium a 3 in DSB!!
Sorry guys ....


I spent from 7:30 this morning until about 10:30 trying to find this South Down Play Sand. Well I drove like 45 minutes from my house to a Home Depot that had it. BUT now it's called Yard Right Tropical Play sand. Called the company and confirmed that they changed the name when the bought South Down.
Just thought everyone would want to know
i put it in my tank and now my tank looks like a big route beer float with all the scum on top of it . Is it suppose to look like that?It's kinda melting away!!!

bang guy

LOL, that's a great description. Just use a net & scoop the foam off the top.
I hope this was a new system you added the sand to and not an established reef tank :scared:


I bought the sand and just dumped it right in. I'm converting my 40 gal fresh water to salt (don't worry I changed the water and cleaned the tank out.) So two days ago I did that and filled it with saltwater. Today after dumping in the bags of sand (I got 120 pounds but used only 80) There a scum on the surface of my water is it okay or what?