Southdown playsand


I saw that when I bought mine on sunday........not for aquarium guess is the southdown people has a deal with HD and put that on so LFS wouldn't want to stock it.......but I can say this......I won't keep a bag in my truck in the winter.........its bad for traction!!!!


well i just purchased quickcrete and put it in my 55g and for right now my fish seem very happy..........will anything happen

bang guy

Remember that most aquariums are freshwater, not saltwater. Pure Calcium carbonate (like Southdown) will dissolve in the PH of a freshwater tank. For many softwater fish this would be fatal, it's probably too much for some of the hardwater fish too.


Active Member
geez bang you are so smart. Either that or you just read alot;)
I learn something from you everytime you post. lol


Active Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
i think thats what 20+ yrs experience will get ya!

lol probably.


Active Member
Thanks for all of the info.
just as a heads up to the DFW gang; I went by that new lfs on Grapevine hwy in Ft. Worth called "Randy's marine wholesale" or something like that. One of the employees said that he had been able to get HD to special order some Southdown. He also said that their store was working on carrying it in their own store! So I'd advise everyone to keep asking them so that they realize their is a demand. (seems like a decent store too, btw)
I went by two of my local HD's. They said that they couldn't special order it... neither store could really explain it to me. It had something to do with them not having the correct codes on the computer.
I'll continue the hunt tomorrow. I figure my new tank is going to require about 500-600 lbs. You better believe I'm going to shop around until I find a deal!
Kipass, Thanks for your advice.


Active Member
Well, here is the conclusion to the HD saga in the DFW area. I got an email from HD telling me that due to high demand there was no sand in my area (no kidding, gee thanks for that info!); But, they gave me a phone number to call Old Castle direct. I called them, and when I told them I needed the playsand they gave me another phone number.
The phone number that Old Castle gave me is for Pure-aragonite Co. The same phone number that is listed on their webpage... I suspect that they are partnered up to start making more money off of us aquarists, dang it.
Good luck all


When I said I would put the 100# of silicate sand in our truck this winter, its for the weight.
In Iowa we have snowy winters ( normally) and with rear wheel drive trucks one placed by each wheel well does help with sliding and spinning. Didn't want anyone thinking I was digging out by spreading the stuff over snow.:)



Originally posted by JoeJoe
Hey Journey I hear ya on that one. It's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to find Southdown in Georgia. I did however find this other sand but have yet to hear about it. It's called Quickcrete play sand and goes for 8 or 9 bucks per 50 pounds. Anyone know anything about this sand and if it's any good for our tanks??

Cappuccino Bay Aquarium in Marietta, GeorgiA. talk to Bobby.

david t.

there is a guy at who bought 80 bags of southdown and is trying to sell it i think for 10.00 a bag and you pay shipping. I saw the post 2 days ago.


Active Member

Originally posted by jp0379
Journeyman..............oooooooooooooooooookay. If you say so.

Not sure what this meant.... I re-read my last post and it's accurate and pretty self-explanatory. If you have a question feel free to email me.


Just as a FYI.
The aquarium shop I went to (North Dallas Aquarium) in on Trinity Mills in Carrolton just east of Midway on the South side. Real cool shop. It may be closer, but I don't know. Where is thir shop off Grapvine Highway?


Active Member

Originally posted by JSB
Just as a FYI.
The aquarium shop I went to (North Dallas Aquarium) in on Trinity Mills in Carrolton just east of Midway on the South side. Real cool shop. It may be closer, but I don't know. Where is thir shop off Grapvine Highway?

It's about 1/2 mile south of Hwy 820 on Grapevine Hwy.
I found a shop in Cleburne that sells Southdown! I'm going to pick some up this week, I'll let you know how it looks.


Active Member
Hey if anyone down there finds a way to get a hold of a pallet you could probably sell it for a profit. I know that if one of yall got a hold of a pallet I'd definately drive down there to pick up what I need. Of course I'd have to go party too, I'm not driving to dallas to buy some bags of sand and then go home.