Southdown playsand


Active Member
I've heard all the talk about how this sand is the best. My problem is, my Dallas/Fort Worth home Depots look at me like I'm a crack addict every time i ask them if they carry it or if they can get it. I even printed out another post from this board that had the Sku#. They couldn't find it in their computers.
Where is the closest place to DFW texas that sells it? At the cost of sand from my lfs, I could probably drive to Key West and back and still save several hundred dollars!


Hey Journey I hear ya on that one. It's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to find Southdown in Georgia. I did however find this other sand but have yet to hear about it. It's called Quickcrete play sand and goes for 8 or 9 bucks per 50 pounds. Anyone know anything about this sand and if it's any good for our tanks??


The company is based in Easton PA......that is part of your problem. Just yesterday I made the switch from CC to Southdown..........IF you can get.......its great stuff!


Active Member
Ya.. I was also afraid of the word quikcrete. Sounds too much like "concrete" for my liking.
I just emailed Home Depot and asked them where the nearest store was to me that carried Southdown sand, Lol. We'll see what kind of response I get.
There are 2 kinds of Quick Crete that I know of...silica based and "river sand". The river sand is untreated plain old sand and quite nice at that. I bought a 50lb bag for $5....rinsed it and tossed it in.....pretty good sand imo. You can buy this sand at Home Depot, Lowes or even Scheels Home Improvement.


journey, if you do get an answer from them please let me know, i live in the colony and i will check there in the next few days and see if they have any. i think they usually only carry playsand seasonally if i remember correctly.
email me if you get a chance


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by 1journeyman
Ya.. I was also afraid of the word quikcrete. Sounds too much like "concrete" for my liking.

And you are closer than you think. there is a guickcrete (or similiar product) which is actually is a fast setting concrete.


funny this should come up,
i was going to HD to get some concrete a few weeks ago and almost got a bag of sand because it was called "quickrete" i have always known this to be concrete.


Home Depot keeps the PLAYSAND by the concrete and building materials. As I've posted before, all Home Depot's carry it.


I agree with you also dragracer. I am in KS and my Home depot also thought I was on some kind of drugs when I asked for it.


I spent a whole night running from Home Depot, Lowes, Menards, with a pic I printed off here of South.... sand. I researched it, and I know have two 50# bags sitting in garage that are not agargonite based sand they are silicate. Certain regions carry the stuff, the mid west Ex: Iowa, kansas do not.
Note:I will throw them in the back of our pick up this winter for traction. I searched the web least I could find Arg sand was .98 cents a # and that was at my LFS. over the net shipping doubles the price. but on ---- there is a LFS out of Madison Wis. that sells Live sugar sand 25# $39.99 ship included. Hope this helps someone.


I used the quickceret PLAY sand when I set up my reef tank and used some Live sand that they sell here on this site to seed it with. I didn't have a single problem with anything. But the color is really dark brown/greyish. I will go with Southdown( if I can find the stuff) on my 120 when I set it up!


Active Member
The ONLY sand that the 5 local Home Depots carry around here that are listed as "playsand" are a dark sand with no ingredients listed.
If the sand is already dark when it is dry, I have to suspect that it is silicia based.
Still waiting on the reply from HD.


I just came back from my local HD. I bought 200 lbs of quickrete play sand. $2.85 for 50lbs. I asked if it was silca based or agronite, just got confussed looks. I just checked out, quickretes website. The MSDS sheet states that is is silcon based sand. looks like i just spend 12 dollars on my horseshoe pit. :)


I gave up on the south down. I'm in Flower Mound/Lewisville area and have checked every where that could possibly carry sand. The last place that I was going to check but never did would Bridle Wood Golf course, because their sand pits have really white sands. I eventually went to North Dallas Aquarium, and bought some sand from them. It wasn't live. I bought a 20lb bag of Marine Substrate $24 and a bag of live sand $31. Thier live sand is $9 cheaper than *****. They have all sorts of sands. A very nice shop I might add. Your not going to find the south down so just pony up and buy the good stuff.


Walmart doesn't carry it either I've checked three Walmarts their play sand is a burnt orange. It looked filthy. For those checking Tx Home Depots, some of them carry a play sand in the Lawn and garden but it says at the bottom Silica sand...


Active Member
hey kip. Why does it say on the bag a tthe bottom..."not reccomended for traction or aquarium use"????:confused:
isnt it awesome for the aquarium?