Southdown Sand as a Substitute?


Anyone know where to get Southdown in San Diego- Home Depots don't seem to carry it...
Will 100-150 pounds be good for a 55 gal fish only tank with a BakPak2 skimmer, a Fluval 302, and some powerheads?
Thanks for your help!


I don't think you can use just any sand, but try searching the boards here, I've found they're real helpful...


Active Member
When I first set up my 55 gal. 2 years ago I did follow the garf plenum way. You will need the carib-sea special grade to biuld it. The finer grades will go through the screen just like you stated.
I also think mixing the 2 grains together they will end up seperated and the finer sand will end up under the plenum.
When I broke down the 55 and setup the 100 gal tank I now have, Ijust went with the DBS. I think it is easier and it does the same if not better than the plenum method. I like the finer grains also, it looks more natural, and the crittters can go thru it easier. But that is IMO.
Good luck with what ever set up you go with.


I would have to vote FOR the southdown. I have three tanks set up with the stuff. Two are with DSB's and one is only an inch deep with no other sand or substrate. I agree with the initial clouding, but after some time none of my tanks have been cloudy unless a certain Wrasse of mine is stiring it up.:D For the amount of money I saved, I find it to be well worth the investment. As far as your plenum goes I have no experience with them so I can't really comment. HTH


Active Member
As most know I used southdown and made a mess of it. My tank was a milk vat for 3 days and cloudy for 3 or 4 more. Even with my mess, I would do it again, actually I have in my 20 gal. No plenum though. I only went with 100 lbs of southdown and 30 lbs of live sand in my 55 which gave me 4 - 5 inches. I just thought that the asthetic values of that balance of water v sand bed was best for me.


Well...i vote for southdown and i havn't even set up MY tank mean...I (by that i mean my wonderful parents) drove 3 hours away to dallas so i could buy it for $15 a have 4 bags now :D can't wait to set it up...but due to recent construction or rather remodeling i have to wait a few months or so to set it up...):...well gave my later!


New Member
does anybody no if southdown is in mass or new england area.
i tried the local home depot and its not there


home depot didn't have it here either. i got it from my local nursery.


the name was actually yardright tropical playsand made by southdown.


the bag was a little bit different. it says all the same things except for the actual title. i asked for southdown sand at my local nursery/landscaping supply store and they brought me the yardright. i told the guy i wanted southdown and he said that it was the same thing but just a different bag. he showed me the label on the back and it says made by southdown.

bang guy

Yes, Yardright and Southdown Play Sand are identical. I believe Yardright comes in 40# bags and Southdown is 50#.


Well, I can't speak for the 50# bags, but you are right about the 40#'s. I will take a picture of one when I get home if anyone is interested (tis better to have too much detail than not enough).


If you could get the sku numbers (under the barcode) and post them here, it would help too...
Thanks for your time.


Just posting to cast my vote FOR southdown.
My first tank was a 55, 150- pounds of southdown sand, 20 pounds of actuall live3 sand top seed it-- worked great.
I also set up a 2nd 55 in the basement- it is my 'refugium to be' with another 150 lbs of southdown and 200 pounds of live rock.
i have never had much of a problem, other than a small amount of cloudiness for a couple days.
I also have a mess of bags of these in the garage-- if anyone is in the Buffalo, NY area and needs some, let me know. I need to save some for my seahorse tank and my 'live sand project' but i suppose i could let a few bags go for the right price....


southdown says its not for aquarium use on the bag now too. its either to avoid the liability of a lawsuit or the companies making sand for aquariums are getting pissed off that they are loosing business. just imagine how many people visit these online forums and stop buying the LFS sand. its got to have a big impact on their business.


Benj, Did you get this from "the reef shop", I got 5 bags from there. I only paid 4.99 it was on sale when I got it. Congrats on finding it though, tough to find in Mich.