Southdown Sand


Do i need to clean off the southdown before I put it into the tank or can i just place it right in? WHat are some good methods for "softly" placing sand on the bottom without stirring up the pot too much
Southdown tropical playsand has the name southdown on the bag.
You should not clean it. You will "skim" off the fine grain sand that is so good for your tank.
If there is already water in the tank, then use a PVC tube (approx. 1 - 2 inches in diameter and pour the sand through that into the tank. You will get some clouding, but it will be minimal.
You can also try putting the whole bag into the tank, cutting the bag open and turning it over to empty it.

bang guy

Search for a post by Bstoner titled "Rinse SD or not".
If this sand is going into an established reef I strongly encourage you to follow my proceedure.


whats wrong with it if it only says "tropical play sand from the carribean"?
i was about to buy some that said that, but it was not southdown.


so old castle is the same as southdown? cause i think i found old castle closer to home.


Just an FYI...
The white caribbean sand I found at a local Walmart was called Gulfcoast. However, it's not aragonite sand like Southdown, it's regular silica sand. If in doubt, you can take a small container with vinegar and put a sample of the sand into the vinegar. If it fizzes, it is likely the aragonite type and is an excellent choice. If it doesn't, it's probably silica based and can still be used, but would be a second choice.


New Member
I just bought 1 bad of southdown sand and 3 bags of Old Castle at home depot. Both bags have the same labels on them and come from the same place, just that southdown changed thier name to Old Castle recently. Should be a blue bag with white and red sand toys on it.


New Member

Originally posted by Robbob29
I just bought 1 bad of southdown sand and 3 bags of Old Castle at home depot. Both bags have the same labels on them and come from the same place, just that southdown changed thier name to Old Castle recently. Should be a blue bag with white and red sand toys on it.

Just tryin to understand, Southdown is now Old Castle?? And you can but it at Home Depot?? What does Home depot charge per bag..(if you don't mind me asking)??


Your region not only dictates the price but also if the sand is even available. I called every Home Depot in the St. Louis area and none of them carried it. I even asked them if I could order it and they all said no. If I remember correctly they said the different HD's across the country all have different buyers so their products are not exactly the same across the country.
I bought some off of somebody here from Oklahoma City. Even with shipping it was cheaper than the lfs.


FYI: Make sure you do not ask for Southdown anymore. Old Castle bought out Southdown so ask if they carry Old Castle Carribean Playsand, NOT Southdown


i got some (old castle) in erie PA, i had to drive 2 hours to get there, but it was well worth it. Me and a friend both needed it, we walked out with 600 lbs of play sand...the woman behind us asked us if we were starting our own beach, we said yes.
it was only 5 bucks for 50 lbs, cheaper than expected... and it fizzed like crazy in vinegar. I would definately call up some HDepots... i spent a lot of time talking to randon HD stores until i found one that was resonably close.
good luck



Originally posted by mvogel2
i got some (old castle) in erie PA, i had to drive 2 hours to get there, but it was well worth it. Me and a friend both needed it, we walked out with 600 lbs of play sand...the woman behind us asked us if we were starting our own beach, we said yes.
it was only 5 bucks for 50 lbs, cheaper than expected... and it fizzed like crazy in vinegar. I would definately call up some HDepots... i spent a lot of time talking to randon HD stores until i found one that was resonably close.
good luck

I do think that the east coast stores carry it more than other stores. I wish my HD had it-5 bucks for 50 lbs WOW!!:eek: