from what i read, this is a sand sold at hardwares? for mortar? this can be used in a tank? its cheap? tell me it's true!
anyone use it? and how much does this stuff cost?
Southdown is bright white.
If you mix it with CC and have a live sandbed the CC will eventually migrate to the top.
Southdown is not available in all areas.
The southdown sand is white and very fine.You can seed it w/ a cup or so of live sand and in a short time all of your sand will be live.If you're going to do the switch I would get rid of the crushed coral..w/the sand you will no longer have to worry about the cc becoming discolored and harboring nitrates.Good luck and have fun watching all of the little critters that will develop in your sand.
how about adding the sand, then slowly skimming off the coral as it surfaces, my cc is very much inhabited with critters and i'd hate to lose 'em, does this sound like a plan?
You can bag up your cc during the change, and once you have ls in your tank, put the bag in the tank for a couple of weeks, and your critters will migrate to the ls. Use a mesh bag. You really can't mix the two together.
See if they carry Yardrite tropical playsand. it is the same sand in differn't packaging, as Southdown and Yardrite are the same company. Some parts of the country carry it and some don't. You may want to call around.
I just posted the process I used in another thread started by kelldog...I think the title was "What substrate do I have?". It wasn't an easy process, but I seemed to have better luck with the tank clearing up quicker than most people.