SOVIETTACO's 24g Nano-Cube Diary


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Originally Posted by meowzer
What happened to this guys killed it
Attachment 235910
Thats why Nano-Newb1983 is the man he brought the thread back to life

Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983

WOW!!! loving the pics bro... Need more lol
Tank looking amazing

Thanks a lot! I'll definitely get more pictures soon, I'll be getting some new stuff in a week or two to make my tank look more colorful and filled in. I also have to build the fuge so I'm sure I will have pics of that


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Thats why Nano-Newb1983 is the man he brought the thread back to life

Thanks a lot! I'll definitely get more pictures soon, I'll be getting some new stuff in a week or two to make my tank look more colorful and filled in. I also have to build the fuge so I'm sure I will have pics of that

nice, cant wait for pics... what u plan on doin for fuge?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
I've been wanting to do my refugium for a while now, so tonight while going over nissan's thread on fuges I decided to draw up my own diagram. I am probably going to get evrything I need and do it the 21st because thats when my last final is
Thank god that'll be over!!
OK here it is:

Looking at other peoples' drawings on here was sort of confusing as to how things should be placed and how they are contained. So I have some questions for you fugers out there as to if I have it drawn out right and if I am picturing it correctly in my head.
1. For the filter floss, should I make (out of egg crate) or purchase some sort of platform suspended by a hook so it lays flat like it is in my pic? If not how should it be placed in cell 1?
2. Should the chemipure elite and purigen go into those fibery bags, and what are those bags even called? "Filter media bags"? And should they lay on the bottom of the tank or should that also be layed flat on top of the filter floss and on each other like a deck of cards or should I have shelves for each bag of stuff so they are seperated with room between them?
3. Is that how your supposed to do the chaeto cup? Cut probably 8-10 holes the size of a dime and is a disposable plastic cup ok (you know the ones you use for a party, preferably clear right)?
4. Filter media stuff: a) ok so filter floss changed every 1 or 2 weeks right? b) how often is it I change the chemipure elite and purigen (I know I do them at the same time) c) you can bleach you purigen and reuse it? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen!
5. I was told a while ago to put a little calcium block in the back 2nd cell which I did, should I keep it there with the chaeto, remove it, or move it to another cell?
I think thats all the questions, I know its alot but if you guys could answer them you'd really be helping me out. For the light I will be doing the mag light probably, unless I can find one that could just be dropped in the tank without having to modify the tank. Palm light is an option but I would have to make a box for it as the tank is right next to my bed and it would keep me up all night (I plan on keeping it on 24-7).
Oh maybe one more question should I take my surface skimmer off or leave it on? And lets say I get all my supplies for the fuge in one day and am ready to install. After turning off the pump I remove sponge filters, bio balls, ceramics, and carbon bag. I put all the stuff in the picture into the back, this won't cause any problems will it? Removing all the bacteria that has grown grown on my old filter stuff won't cause their to be a lack of bacteria will it?
Ok I think I can stop the interrogation

Here you go


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Here you go
AWESOME!! Same set up i had in back of my tank.. Your goin to be happy with it.. Just make sure to get plenty of holes in cup so cheato gets enough flow.
Also I figured a LArge Slurpee cup fits perfect back there


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
AWESOME!! Same set up i had in back of my tank.. Your goin to be happy with it.. Just make sure to get plenty of holes in cup so cheato gets enough flow.
Also I figured a LArge Slurpee cup fits perfect back there

Gives me a reason to go to 711


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that was not fun at all... One more big essay to do and a short answer question, but thats for tomorrow and thursday


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Well heres what it is, Its a take home test that I got last thursday and its due the 21st online. What I have to do is write 3 short answer responses each has to be a total of 600 words (which is not enough IMO) then I also have two essay question responses which have to be 1500 words each so in total 4800 words in MLA format which equals out to just about 14 pages woth of writing. If they were impromtu I would probably have done it all last friday but they all have to lean heavily on the 9 books plus coursepack we have had to read this semester. So I decided one essay for each day and I started last friday, I really should have been done today but I've been kind to myself
Ugh definitely the most demanding final I have ever taken though but its easy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by troy989
if its take home i would use my recources
crib sheets lmao
Page 8!!
And yep thats what I have been doing, which is why its more demanding IMO, impromptus are fast and I could get a 4800 word impromptu on all of the stuff done in half a day, finding quotes, referencing notes, going over other papers I have writeen in the class and so on is a bunch of time that takes away from physically writing the paper and the fact that I am a perfectionist adds extra stress.


Active Member
Do I have to break out a sample of my writing for you nissan? I'm sure you'll love reading a 10 page long paper on the importance of cold war weapons programs technology such as Operation Igloo effecting modern computer systems and AI systems.