SOVIETTACO's 24g Nano-Cube Diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
Well heres what it is, Its a take home test that I got last thursday and its due the 21st online. What I have to do is write 3 short answer responses each has to be a total of 600 words (which is not enough IMO) then I also have two essay question responses which have to be 1500 words each so in total 4800 words in MLA format which equals out to just about 14 pages woth of writing. If they were impromtu I would probably have done it all last friday but they all have to lean heavily on the 9 books plus coursepack we have had to read this semester. So I decided one essay for each day and I started last friday, I really should have been done today but I've been kind to myself
Ugh definitely the most demanding final I have ever taken though but its easy.
Want to trade?!?!
Ill do that and you come writ emy organic exam.. alcohol, phenol, thiol, esters, ethers, carboxcylic acids ect. reactions and nomenclature.
Its how to name/ draw those long ass names on the back of your soap/ house hold products lol..
3-methyl2,3,4 bromocyclopenanone kinda stuff haha


Originally Posted by Katsafados
Want to trade?!?!
Ill do that and you come writ emy organic exam.. alcohol, phenol, thiol, esters, ethers, carboxcylic acids ect. reactions and nomenclature.
Its how to name/ draw those long ass names on the back of your soap/ house hold products lol..
3-methyl2,3,4 bromocyclopenanone kinda stuff haha
AHAHAHA I was reading your post too fast and thought organic said something else


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katsafados
Want to trade?!?!
Ill do that and you come writ emy organic exam.. alcohol, phenol, thiol, esters, ethers, carboxcylic acids ect. reactions and nomenclature.
Its how to name/ draw those long ass names on the back of your soap/ house hold products lol..
3-methyl2,3,4 bromocyclopenanone kinda stuff haha
H-E-L-L NO. I could never understand chem and I have never liked math though I am good at it.
polysci, history, art, and literature are my thing

Hey an orgasmic exam sounds fun


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
H-E-L-L NO. I could never understand chem and I have never liked math though I am good at it.
polysci, history, art, and literature are my thing

Hey an orgasmic exam sounds fun

hahaha, I'm glad theres no math on this test!
When I see numbers, I get sooooooo confused! lol Especially the math I have to deal with haha, nothing is straight forward!
I write a mean essay.. but spelling and grammer are'nt my thing lol. Everytme I have to write an essay I do it then send to my g.f and she redoes the whole thing properly haha..
When your in science grammer is out the window.. its all point form notes!


Active Member
So I am sitting at my computer at my girlfriend's condo on the couch with her at maybe 10:05 pm tonight, that was only like an hour and a half ago folks! So I'm sitting there looking at my thread and then I hear the faint sound of a car alarm........ beep................beep....................beep..................beep........
As I sit there my face goes white as it dawns on me that is the same SOUND MY ALARM MAKES!!!
I literally jump up and say "Holy S*** thats my car!!!" I don't know how my shoes got on my feet but they did I run out side yep my car. lights blinking 18 degrees outside snowing and my backseat driverside window of my jeep is smashed to bits. I was about to beat the living crap out of whoever did lucky b@st@rd decided to run the second the alarm went of I think, seriously I have a wicked bad temper that only comes every few months cause I think anger festers in me since I am a pretty layed back guy. Cops come do a search of the area nothing. They give me the crime report number and they go. Oh and literally a week ago a car belonging to my girlfriend's neighbor had the same thing happen to it... Merry F****** Christmas I guess right?
Thanks for letting me vent somewhat.


Active Member
---- man, that sucks!
I have a temper like your's.. But dont let it ruin your christmas.. The guy will get his sooner or later..
I'm off to bed now, have to wake up bright and early to cram.