Originally Posted by
im getting a velvet nudibranch
or not a hawk or a sixline for the controling. hopefully either work
Good choice, I want to get a velvet nudi myself.
Originally Posted by nwdyr
I had great luck with both of those corals , I like to target feed everything. I would try shutting off all the power heads and pumps and put some food (phyto , rod's etc...) in a little plastic syringe and give them a little "poof" of good stuff

I dont know if that will help , but I dont think it will hurt %%
I feed coral frenzy but I've been thinking about getting phyto instead
I have some pics for you people!
Once again my female pom is prego... They must of had a good valentines day
(here's the pair)
I moved my candy canes and they look much better
fts as usual
and I moved some stuff around.
Oh and here is a cool little zoa frag I picked up! Anyone know a common name? This camera doesn't do them any justice, they are soooo bright!
On another note, I've been thinking about getting a flame scallop. What do you guys think about that?