Spare Ricordia Polyp(s)?


New Member
Hey everyone,
I'm just starting to add some corals to my tank. I was wondering if anyone might have a spare ricordia mushroom polyp (s) they could part with, to help me start my collection? I've already spent quite a bit of money recently on my tank, so I can't afford much.
Would mushroom polyps survive 2-3 day priority mail? I've heard they're fairly hard.

Please let me know if you can help! Thanks!


New Member
No, I have some zoas and star polyps in my tank. I'm just looking for some small frags, which I figure will be fairly inexpensive to ship. I'm not looking for free corals. I don't have any mushrooms yet, which is why I'm asking for ricordeas. I thought maybe someone would have one that they could sell me rather cheaply, to help start my collection. I have patience to wait for them to grow :D
It's not a big deal. I think I'm buying a couple of the red mushrooms someone else is selling. I just love the way ricordeas look!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nightvoice
No, I have some zoas and star polyps in my tank. I'm just looking for some small frags, which I figure will be fairly inexpensive to ship. I'm not looking for free corals. I don't have any mushrooms yet, which is why I'm asking for ricordeas. I thought maybe someone would have one that they could sell me rather cheaply, to help start my collection. I have patience to wait for them to grow :D
It's not a big deal. I think I'm buying a couple of the red mushrooms someone else is selling. I just love the way ricordeas look!
Florida ricordias are getting expensive. You can count on $15-20/poly atleast for decent colors. I have a rock with 8 florida purple polyps I will sell for $100 + shipping.


if you every buy from be sure and get some of theirs
they are like $8 a polyp which is pretty good
i saw a rock with 5 orange quarter sized ricks for $125!!
if your interested ill be fragging some zoanthids in a few days
(purple people eaters and orange eagle eyes) i could sell a frag or 2 to you for a cheap price


New Member
yeah, I didn't realize they were so in demand and expensive! Thanks for your help though!
Joebob, I would probably be interested in some of your zoas. Feel free to PM me whenever you're selling them. I'll keep my eye out for any threads. Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
if you every buy from be sure and get some of theirs
they are like $8 a polyp which is pretty good
i saw a rock with 5 orange quarter sized ricks for $125!!
if your interested ill be fragging some zoanthids in a few days
(purple people eaters and orange eagle eyes) i could sell a frag or 2 to you for a cheap price
RICs aren't $8/polyp here, Mushrooms are. RIC are like $22.
Originally Posted by Nightvoice
No, I have some zoas and star polyps in my tank. I'm just looking for some small frags, which I figure will be fairly inexpensive to ship. I'm not looking for free corals. I don't have any mushrooms yet, which is why I'm asking for ricordeas. I thought maybe someone would have one that they could sell me rather cheaply, to help start my collection. I have patience to wait for them to grow :D
It's not a big deal. I think I'm buying a couple of the red mushrooms someone else is selling. I just love the way ricordeas look!

Nothion is cheap about this hobby

But i love im addicted to it like a drug


well i just fragged some PPEs and the eagle eyes
it was my first time to frag so it was less succesful than i would have liked
but i got
2 frags of PPEs (1 polyp)
and 1 frag of about 3 eagle eyes
i dont think i will sell them just yet but if they survive and come out well i will frag more of them
(i didnt want to take the chance of killing of all of my zoos)
sorry nightvoice if i kinda stole your post

oh yeah look up green ricordea on this website for corals they sell
they are $7.99 (mr. GrumpyGills)


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
well i just fragged some PPEs and the eagle eyes
it was my first time to frag so it was less succesful than i would have liked
but i got
2 frags of PPEs (1 polyp)
and 1 frag of about 3 eagle eyes
i dont think i will sell them just yet but if they survive and come out well i will frag more of them
(i didnt want to take the chance of killing of all of my zoos)
sorry nightvoice if i kinda stole your post

oh yeah look up green ricordea on this website for corals they sell
they are $7.99 (mr. GrumpyGills)
I was thinking of Florida, not yuma.


i live in fl and people pay way to much for these rics i can go to one of 2 LFS and pic up crazy colors for like 10 a head! last week i picked up 2 and one had 3 mouths and the other had 2 for 20 bucks i got 5 rics! its just crazy people can charge so much


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
i live in fl and people pay way to much for these rics i can go to one of 2 LFS and pic up crazy colors for like 10 a head! last week i picked up 2 and one had 3 mouths and the other had 2 for 20 bucks i got 5 rics! its just crazy people can charge so much
What store are you finding them for $10/polyp?


Originally Posted by ninjamini
What store are you finding them for $10/polyp?
and more much is shipping to MI?

Up here rics are from 20 bucks and up depending on size and color and all that.


not sure if i can say it but i'll try ! MODs if its not allowed just delete this post! sorry in advance!
in boca they dont have them ofter but there cheap as hell! barrier reef
and in coral springs almost tamarac Big Ales! big ales are a little more like 11 or 12 but still
sorry again if i cant post this wasnt really sure !


I got these two green rics from and they are gorgeous! And, yes they were only $7.99 a piece. They each had a double nucleus and are splitting already.
They fluoresce beautifully under my moonlights, some of the best color I've seen.


Active Member
I just picked up 3 rics from a LFS here and they were $12 per polyup but the colors are stunning I have an Orange Purple, a Gold Purple and an all Purple all have bright green mouths.. and all have multiple mouths.. I am planning on fragging them when they spread.. I also have a large rock with mixed Super green zoas and Eye of Fire on it. There are about 150 polyups on it, I got a super deal on it and I plan on fragging it as well as soon as they start to spread.