Speeding ticket


Well about 20 minutes ago I got speeding ticket going 55 in a 45 out on 315 in Delaware. He popped me with a laser at the bottom of the hill. This is my first ticket ever and I was kind of expecting him to give me a warning to no avail, but I was speeding so I have no excuse. When I got home I noticed he wrote that the date was 1/27/08...and it's 2/2/08 is this a on purpose mistake maybe from the cop? I work for the city in there IT department and I know alot fo the officers. If not what should I do? I have a court date on the 12 this month and it's a $110 ticket SHould I just send in my money and take this silly defensive driving course?
And by the way I am no way whinning about the ticket, I was speeding and I shouldn't of, I normally don't.


Active Member
My understanding is that the cops (particularly traffic cops) have ticket quotas they need to make per month. Your officer didn't make quota in January, so he backdated the ticket so that your ticket counted for his January quota.
This, if true, speaks volumes about the officer's ethics... if he lies about the date, who knows what else he could lie about to protect himself...
You may consider calling the police department and asking them what the deal is with the date, that will at least alert them to what he did.
If you were speeding, it really makes no difference to you, you broke the law, you got caught, end of story, but who knows who else he might have wrote up that wasn't speeding so he could make his quota? If he lies about the date....
So you may consider letting the police department know. Or, if you decide to go to court before the judge, ask the judge. They'll take whatever action is necessary (but you won't get out of the fine... no way).
In all fairness I should mention that one could attempt to make an argument in court that if any information on the ticket is incorrect, it calls into question everything else on the ticket and that it is grounds for dismissal. However, I'd suggest hiring a lawyer to fight that battle, because it may just piss the judge off if you try to say that and get you in worse trouble, not to mention the fact that it's really not right to try to weasel out of a ticket for a violation you are guilty of on a technicality.


Active Member
I got a similar speeding ticket a few years back and hired a lawyer to get it off my record. This seems to be a very normal practise, at least here in NC. My case ended up being rescheduled from March until October. I don't know what the lawyers do, but my ticket is not in my driving records.


Active Member
I would call the police department. If they do have a quota system, which nearly all police department do not, at least not as a stated policy, he will get slammed for playing games with it.


Yeah I am going to talk to the judge monday. I work for the city I was caught in and I know the judge very well so I am hopeing I can atleast get the fine reduced. I know I was speading and I shouldn't of but $110 for 10 miles over is just stupid and for being my only offense.


Active Member
Ticket quotas are ILLEGAL. They do not have a ticket quota. If they do it is unwritten - b/c if it was they would be breaking the law.
Just hire a laywer to get it off your record. If you just pay the fine the ticket will be on your record for 3 years and may effect your insurance rates. I've found that if you aren't moving, and have no deductions coming up (turning 25) then you may be able to get away with just paying the fine and nothing more. Insurance companies don't check every month to see if you have had any tickets, to see if they can raise your rates. They only do a check every time there is a change to your account, say an address, or turning a certain age, getting married, etc.
I've heard something like what SCSI (a dying hardware - sorry couldn't resist about to take a computer exam) is saying about if there is anything wrong on the ticket, that it can be thrown out. In that case i wouldn't know how to fight that, and i'd call a lawyer. In good ol missouri, we have this site called missouritrafficticket.com and its extremely easy.


Prob not worth it to get a lawyer. all they do is say hi MR prosectur lets make this just a Unsafe driving ticket with no points just a fine.
Save yourself the money and just ask to speak with the prosecuter, you say you have no prior points or tickets so he will give you a break. But you will still pay a fine


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I've heard something like what SCSI (a dying hardware - sorry couldn't resist about to take a computer exam)
How right you are. SAS has already taken it over. SAS is better anyway.
if there is anything wrong on the ticket, that it can be thrown out. In that case i wouldn't know how to fight that, and i'd call a lawyer.
I don't know that for sure... I can just see someone making that argument... and I can can certainly see them winning at timnes. But I can also see the judge just blowing the argument off, getting mad at you for trying to fight on a technicality, and throwing the book at you. In the world of traffic court, there isn't much justice. It's basically the officer says you did it, you're guilty, tough.
If you know the judge though, if I were you, I'd ask the judge for no points and no entry on your record. Pay the full fine. What you pay in a fine is nothing compared to what happens if your insurance company finds out, so concentrate on getting the record wiped clean. Do you know the prosecutor? This will help you even more.
Here in GA, we have the ability to plead "No-Lo Contendre" or something like that, which is basically no contest. You have to pay the fine, but it never goes on your public driving. Of course, you can only plead that like once every 5 years or something.


Active Member
Well i've just heard that from some TV show or something, nothing i've read or heard from a lawyer. I've just heard/seen something talking about being able to throw out the case if something is wrong on the ticket, your address, your name, court date, etc.
God bless computer hardware... :)


Active Member
Never thought about the ticket getting tossed on the technicality but if you know the judge and approach him in the context of "Is this cop pulling a fast one" it should go over a lot better than "Please fix my ticket".


Yeah whats kind of cool is I am good friends with all of the prosecutors at the court(all tree of the) lol maybe it can disapear.


Active Member
Sounds cheesy, but you were busted and caught red handed, the fact that the date is wrong will get you off, go to court and you will win


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I've heard something like what SCSI (a dying hardware - sorry couldn't resist about to take a computer exam)
Are you serious? You are taking a computer exam?? You may want to look into a new school or instructor. SCSI is what fuels the world...any decent server is gonna have SAS.


Active Member
in most places, the ticket can automatically be thrown out if you plead not guilty and the officer does not show up to court. if he back dated the ticket, then he CAN'T show up to court. of course, when ever you show up will also be the wrong date too.
usually the judge will cut the fine and points in half if you plead guilty. but you should at least ask how he could've got your speed right if he couldn't even get the date right.


Active Member
If you fight it in court, and lose, it's on your record.
If you plead "no contest" and take defensive driving, or probation, it won't go on your record. (At least in Texas. Your state could vary).


Active Member
Cops don't have Quotas? That's a good one. It is not policy and not written but it exists as surely as the sun will come up tomorrow. Some departments call them contacts. You are expected to have so many a month and I know first hand. I won't go as far as saying all police department have them but I can guarantee you that more do than don't.
If you know the judge, just approach him and ask him. If I had a contact like that, I would use it every chance I got. He could very well tell you that he will take care of it for you. Just because you were speeding doesn't mean you can't take advantage of a connection.
Good luck in whatever you decided to do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
Cops don't have Quotas?
I'd say no, not in most places. I think that "quota" thing is a myth.
however, if you drive the roads, you'll quickly find out which towns and areas are "speed traps". usually small towns that get most of their money off people who are speeding through town to another destination. and it's common for cops to plant themselves in areas known for speeding. but the whole quota thing really doesn't work because you can't MAKE people speed, so it would be silly to tell a cop how many speeding tickets they have to give out in a month.
it's not hard to find speeders, so I think a quota would only be necessary if you have an overly lazy cop who's just parking the car and not giving out any tickets whatsoever.