sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)


lol! I love those pics put out by you two! You guys are so funny! :) I'm pretty good when it comes to graphics.. but my sense of humor is pretty undeveloped!
Galina <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


ReeferX: I would seriously buy one of those shirts. How much are you selling them for? LOL! That was great!
I am actually inspired to jump on ADOBE photo myself and cook me up something. Maybe after I finish my Bio Lab paper. I need to "hone" my editing skills too!
And yes, this should definately be added to archive when it is done! Can anyone put the Mr. Bubble character in a blender?? That is what i'm gonna try for.


sammy, about that face, i figured it out a while ago, well, 3 days ago. i like that sponge! i still dont get the joke on the link...if there was one!


Active Member
For the love of GOD!!!! Please archive this Masterpiece!!!
Mr. B. I seriuosly think you need to get checked for ADD.. I'm not playing. I am seriously worried about you.


Active Member
I feel compelled to post just because i spent the last half hour looking at what went from a few post yesterday to completly out of hand.
food for thought:could Mr. Bubble and cOwFiSh be related???


NOPE!NO NO NO! I do not have ADD. you should see my old fiend from 4th grade. real wreck! he just sits there and waits for things to explode!
PS, i've been trying to get some pics on here but i dont know how. Has anybody seen a Mrs.Bubble? Im looking for that right now!


Active Member
"I am not a crook"
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"I am not a fake"
Mr. Bubbles for president?


Active Member
Ahh.... You might be right.. Mr. Bubble, were you neglected as a child.... wait... you still are... How about earlier in your life? Tell me about your mother. Nice lady? How about your dad? Nice man? any brothers or sisters?


My mom is nice. My dad is nice. i have a sis who is living in brooklyn NY. WHY DID YOU ASK THESE STUPID QUESTIONS?


Active Member
CURSES...I gotta leave...This is as bad as a Soap Opera...But it definately has my vote on most enertaining post in the last 2 mnths... :D ...I cant wait to see how many posts there are when i get back...lol... <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


Active Member
Seems to me that your starving for attention. The fact that you make up a story about your sponge shows me that you crave input. Also the fact that you have like 300 posts in lees than a month also shows me your a lonley person. I ask because I am concerned about your well being. Perhaps a dog would help. You desire people to talk to you. Now, Having said that, I think that you should be examined by a licensed shrink. When I was 14 I was outside playing on spring break. The fact the your on here with all of us "killers" shows you have no friends. Maybe you and your dad could build a soap box derby car? Do something with your time and have fun while your on spring break. You dont have to make up stories to get us to talk to you. This is a place for all us hobbies to meet and greet.
I am honestly concerned for you.... If you dont get help here, please get help somewhere!


I really don't mean to take away from the drama queen here and this is totally of the subject but has anyone bought live rock or sand from this site and if so was it good quality? Just wonddring. And now back to Mr. Bubbles and his magic sponge!! :D


Hey Mr. Bubbles, Is the tank even yours? Or is it your daddies? BTW, does you dad sometimes wear dresses and prance around the house screaming, I'm a pony, I'm a pony!" at the top of his lungs? If yes, then that explains a lot. I am thinking that this might be your dad's tank and you are making it like your own. I agree that you are not the sharpest crayon in the box, but there is no way you can be this idiotic. Who thinks that this is not even his tank? Have we established that he has a tank?
I think this post is sadly draining attention form the BB that could be spent solving someone elses REAL problems, but hey this is my porcrastination tool.


Active Member
WOW!!! I just wasted 45 minutes of my life!! I was reading on to see if i would actually see a pic......i really should've known better! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />