Sprawning Clowns??


I've had my orange Perc clown for about 3 years who has been very happy in his anemone. I decided to purchase a small chocolate clown mainly because he was brown .As soon as I put him in the tank orange noticed him.Brown stayed at the top of the tank happily swimming in the open water.During this time orange would leave his anemone, which he NEVER did before to try to coax brown to the anemone.I didn't want my Betta to eat him so i was hoping he would take up on the offer.About 4 days later he ventured down to the anemone.He didn't get into it for about another 4-5 days .Well it's been about 6 months now and they have spawned 3 times now within the last month. I know the little fry don't stand a chance in my tank,they would get eaten..Any suggestions how to possibly have them survive?

rainbow grouper

Active Member
I'm jealous now and what you could do (although I'm not 100% sure this will work) is move the adults to a qt tank with the eggs (try to move the clowns and the eggs with each other) read up about the egg care first and that should be ok


Active Member
Originally Posted by rainbow grouper http:///t/387358/sprawning-clowns#post_3408793
I'm jealous now and what you could do (although I'm not 100% sure this will work) is move the adults to a qt tank with the eggs (try to move the clowns and the eggs with each other) read up about the egg care first and that should be ok
I'm curious as to how wise it is to move fish eggs. I would think this could potentially damage the eggs and reduce the chances of them hatching. I believe a safer method to move them to a fry tank might be to move them after they hatch.

bang guy

Waiting until the eggs hatch is fine for a dedicated breeding tank but for most other tanks the success rate is higher when the eggs are moved to a hatching tank. There's a thread somewhere titled Raising Clownfish 101. It's a really good description of one good way to hatch the eggs.


,I don't have another tank to put the fish or eggs into, but I will look into the thread on clowns Thanks